20-01-2025. This is a real image
Nah, this belongs in “ActuallyHorrifying”
Yeah I figured we had a year or two at least before slowly taking off the mask and showing the true fascism. This was just right out of the gate.
The nazis are wasting no time gloating.
The mask has been slowly coming off for at least 15 years. If you haven’t noticed and this seems like a surprise, I honestly don’t know what to say.
I guess don’t visit the new https://www.whitehouse.gov/ then.
I wish I could say we just gotta wait 4 years but I wouldn’t believe if I said it. The US is past a fucking joke. Just… Fucking dammit…
Is that a fucking movie trailer? Wtaf
You know what the worst part of this is? This run of western fascism doesn’t even have the aesthetics to make it palatable. That “seig heil” was so fucking uncoordinated it made the Australian break dancing lady look like a prima ballerina. Everyone is dressed like they bought clothes from the bargain bin at Ross. The decorations are giving mid-budget state fair.
We’re gonna be ethnically cleansed by old, poorly dressed, unatheltic losers 😭
At least the nazis had cool leather jackets
Designed by Hugo Boss. One of the many companies that profited immensely from and supported nazism ferociously.
Not designed by Hugo Boss. They were only one of many manufacturers (the main one ). It was designed by Karl Diebitsch.
I honestly don’t know if this is a real name or a joke.
Many pieces of Nazi wardrobe were designed by Hugo Boss. I don’t even mean the company name, the person named Hugo Boss - founder of the company and member of the Nazi party.
It’s ridiculous to even attempt to minimise their role here.
It doesn’t feel like you read your own thing
“An der Entwicklung der Schnittmuster für die Uniformen waren die Unternehmen nicht beteiligt.” “Im zentralen Fachblatt für die Uniformherstellung, dem “Uniformen-Markt” tauche das schwäbische Unternehmen “kein einziges Mal” auf.”"
Nobody denies that he was a Nazi, he just wasn’t a large manufacturer or high up in the party machinery.
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I feel like the worst part of this was the ADL defended him.
The ADL calling the keffiyeh a symbol for antisemitism while defending Elon “throwing his heart to the audience” solidifies what many progressives have already known about them.
Lol, of course they did. It’s not like he called for a free Palestine or anything
Are they for real?!
We’re gonna be ethnically cleansed by old, poorly dressed, unatheltic losers 😭
Specifically because they have accumulated so much wealth that they can pay people to do terrible things in seemingly unterrible ways.
People forget that a large portion of the original Nazis were hardened WWI vets, not soft plutocrat tech bros.
TBH they will probably send their murder drones to do the dirty work.
We’re going to have to develop anti-drone tactics.
Unless it’s set to shoot at anything moving it’s going to be pretty shit. And once the targeting is that wide open you just get a tennis ball machine and waste it’s ammo.
drones don’t need precision they are a terror weapon…
I’m fully aware of what drones are capable of.
The Ukraine conflict has reports of explosive laden drones that use facial recognition software to autonomously dive bomb and detonate on targets. I can dig up the source if requested.
We’re truly on the worst timeline. And israel has its lavender ai program that comes up with “targets”. I put that in quotations because despite having targets (of dubious authenticity) israel still carpet bombed the whole place.
Which is about how AI targeting goes these days.
Facial recognition is pretty easily tricked though. Just because it’s working on the Russians does not mean it will work everywhere.
I think the cheap decorations were on purpose. All that money for his inauguration and he’s going to pocket as much as possible. So Tim Cook, Schmuckerburg, and whoever else that donated $1 million EACH to his fund, and they’re going to skimp on as much as possible and cut as many corners as possible so he can put that money in the bank. Don’t forget there are several cities and organizations that he still hasn’t paid for his rallies.
He pocketed $170 million today
Ehhh that’s just trump change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Schmuckerburg is a great name omg
Nah, there’s gonna be bodies on both sides if they think they’re gonna try any of that shit. Something the KKK Nazi Russian Mafia lover fucks forgot, they aren’t the only ones packing heat.
My biggest fear now, is the Republicans trying to do something so outrageous, that someone of some importance finally fucking snaps. And there’s a legitimate coup. Like Military action on Panama or Greenland, that is legitimate civil war sparking stuff.
Hugo Boss is still around, I’m sure they would be willing to reprise their previous role 👍🏻
Palatable fascism based on looks?
Yeah. Fuck this take. You’re watering it down and fuck that viewpoint.
Both the censorship and promotion of specific art and aesthetics were a big part Hitler’s plans to make fascism palatable in Germany and Italy, if you take one art history course you’d know this. Many public works you can tour to this day in those countries come from that era.
This isn’t a support of fascism, it’s a critique on how empty and vapid the new technocratic class is and how that’s a reflection of our society in general at this moment.
Is this supposed to be funny, or are you a bot trying to normalize how fucked up this is?
Calling me a bot for a dark observation when I clearly state I’m one of the people slated to be in line for the ethnic cleansing sure is a choice. But I’ll explain my reasoning and give you the good faith you didn’t give me.
Art and aesthetics were a big part of Nazi Germany. Many Nazi Party Germans got to look at beautiful works of art and enjoy public works in the Greco-Roman style as they were supporting shipping of Jewish people and minorities to concentration camps. The technocrats this time around haven’t even given their supporters that. Instead we get infighting and outrage on social media.
That’s what my comment was making fun of.
Looked this up as I optimistically thought it might be an unfortunate still that looked nothing like a nazi salute on video, but nope.
Well, he must have fallen out of the headlines for a day.
I’m calling it, to keep outdoing himself he’s going to openly and seriously start suggesting nuking things.
“Mr. President, there was a nuclear detonation over Kiev”
“Did we do it?”
“No Sir, it seem to have been the Americans”
(obviously this conversation would be in Russian, but most of us here don’t speak/read Russian so here’s the English version)
“so yes”
- Don’t infantilise him. He’s not attention-starved, he’s a Nazi.
- Did everyone forget Trump already did that during his first term??? I am going absolutely insane. We know he will threaten to nuke anyone and everyone. And right now the odds aren’t looking good that he won’t actually do it. That’s my call. Nuclear war. People called me crazy in 2020 when I called Trump a fascist, and my worst predictions will be proven right again because everyone seems to be dead-set on downplaying the actions of these Nazi lunatics and acting surprised when they pull through with a Nazi promise which only emboldens them.
Trumps a fascist but I think he’s bluffing about nukes. He’s been consistently anti war since before entering politics and he knows he doesn’t want to be a king amongst rubble.
I think Trump is the kind of person who thinks the world is better off ending with him than going on without him. Nothing matters if he isn’t there to enjoy it; the true heart of narcissism.
Elon: If I can’t nuke Mars, I will order Trump to nuke Earth instead.
I wouldn’t put it past Musk to be planning on a nuke strike somewhere to boost investment in SpaceX. “See, life on earth is fragile, we have to be able to leave (if you’re rich enough)!”
Something something bronterocs
I am actually speechless.
I litterly followed the same train But bro it’s undeniable
Just… blatant. Plenty of time lingering on it. No cute pretending-to-fix-the-hair. Just an obvious, blatant nazi salute.
what was he saluting when he turned around? Trump? I cant find a better angle.
He’s saluting the crowd for their support
What was the context, in terms of his speech? Did he say something right before this or after it?
“Thank you. My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured, thanks to you.” - Elon Musk
Then he did the seig heil salute. Just in case people are still confused, here’s Hitler’s own words from Mein Kampf on saving civilization.
“All the great civilizations of the past became decadent because the originally creative race died out, as a result of contamination of the blood.” - Hitler
I wish. 😞
What a dumb fucking cunt. I hope he dies a terrible death. Rather sooner than later.
Let’s hope somebody pulls a Luigi one.
The world would be an objectively better place if someone took this subhuman scum out. Half a fucking trillion dollars and it’s still not enough for him. These scumbags always need more and more.
I’m betting on an overdose. Ketamine, cocaine, amphetamine… whatever the shit is, I’m not an expert.
Can we get him to hire Micheal Jackson’s old doctor?
Ideally in his malfunctioning Tesla for chefs kiss
Welp! I didn’t have “President gives Nazi salute” on my bingo card…
You didn’t?
Yeah, rookie mistakes given we already know who is elected.
Look man. I don’t know what to tell you. I know trump was already president from 2017-2021, but that still doesn’t feel real. The idea of trump is president feels…not real. It feels like a plot from a tv show. And not even a GOOD tv show. Some show that nobody watches because “ugh, this is crap…change the channel!”
Except we CAN’T change the channel. And by popular vote Americans have decided they don’t WANT to change the channel. And you’re just handcuffed to your chair, forced to watch this bad reality all around you.
It’s like being on a roller coaster that you know has a 100% chance of flying off the rails. But you’re still on it. Knowing disaster awaits, as we’ve spent the last 3 months climbing the anticipation hill, except now it’s time to go flying off the rails. Here it comes!
I want to get off Mr. Bones’s Wild Ride.
We’re all on Mr Bones’ Wild Ride now. At least we’re in good company 🫂
I don’t know how to tell you this, but you can’t get off
Like wearing a chastity belt…
At least there is some kind of positive intent or consent (usually), not so on Mr.Bones’ Wild Ride
Normalcy bias is a bitch. Congratulations on at least being aware of how not normal the situation is intellectually, it seems most people aren’t getting that far.
Bro, where have you been?
And trump saying elon rigged the ballots in Pennsylvania. Even if it were true it’s exactly what I’ve been saying. We are done with free and fair elections and the sooner you dweeebs stop running to the dems to save you the better off we will be.
the sooner you dweeebs stop running to the dems to save you the better off we will be.
Yeah let me just vote for… oh wait there’s only 2 god damn parties.
Third parties aren’t an answer and will only strengthen republicans. The only possible course is to steer the democrats out of the ditch. Unfortunately they have built a masonry bunker down in there and this will take some doing. We need about 20-30 more young people to do what AOC did and we’ll be getting somewhere.
Now is literally the time to fight for a new party. We’re 4 years away from a general election, the next elections are local which means it’s way more realistic and up to all of us to actually go and run with/vote for this “new” party. We have 4 years to work on the message getting a wider spread and even if it doesn’t, we’ll have the Congress if all goes well.
The Democratic party can die in a fire.
Bernie Sanders ran as a Democratic socialist.
There are other parties but people are seemingly too scared to vote for them and would prefer things continue down this path to ruin we’ve been on for the last 40-50 years.
You must be European. I admire your voting system.
But unfortunately, USA runs under FPTP. We do not have European Luxury.
Party A: We will make teeny tiny bit of progress
Party B: We will try to destroy every progress ever made
Party C: We will make a lot of progress
Election Results:
Party A gets 45% of the vote
Party B gets 48% of the vote
Party C gets 6% of the vote
remaining votes are incorrectly marked and therefore invalidated
Under first past the post rules, Party B wins, even when the majority wanted some progress, no matter how small, now the party of regression and destruction are in power.
Good job.
TDLR: Fuck FPTP voting system, we really need ranked choice voting system.
The problem becomes even more stark if you assume parties A and C win 25% and 26%. Heck, let’s make B even more unpopular with a 34-35-31 split. There is an incredible amount of movement required to make a new party dominant and competitive in our fucked up system.
Not European I live in the US.
Counterpoint to this is that you sacrifice your principles and vote Party A and they still wind up losing again and again leaving Party B to run the entire government. Your vote was a throwaway vote anyway, so what would have been the harm in voting Party C?
Perhaps with enough momentum, Party C can reinvigorate the 50% of eligible voters who don’t even bother to show up due to years of disappointment and apathy with both Party A and Party B. How many times are you willing to vote Party A if they keep backing terrible candidates who can’t win, and even when they do by razor thin margins, do little to stem the tide of destruction? What are you gaining out of this system?
I’d argue that your mentality only encourages poor performance out of our elected officials and these two parties since they can count on you, and those on the other side, to vote for them regardless of what they do or don’t do, how well or bad they perform, and whatever promises they may or may not keep. What is even the point of voting for candidates when all you’re doing is voting for a specific party? They might as well make the election automatic based on whatever party everyone registers as. What’s the difference?
To me, this mentality is no different than those apathetic voters who sit out every election because all you’re doing is keeping this fucked up system going and expecting things to get better without doing anything different to change the outcome.
FYI, primary elections exist, but most people don’t bother voting in primaries.
“Europe” isn’t a singular country with one voting system.
You’re saying this isn’t a real picture with accurate information???
People are scared to vote for them because of our FPTP voting system.
Yeah, well, we see how well that’s working out.
I mean, unless you can gut unrealistically broad consensus on which third party to vote for you just get Ross Perot again.
The US system is designed in a way that basically makes 2 parties a hard upper limit. If you want(ed) finer control than voting for the least worst candidate, you have to consider showing up to primaries and boring activist meetings.
Did you not just hear me? Free and fair election. What does that mean to you?
Words, do they have meanings???
This is what we call griefing, friends. Notice how the OP didn’t bother to respond. It’s because the OP is a smurf.
It’s hard to talk to liberals and get them to understand that the system the states has set up means that just voting for the democrats doesn’t change anything. The elections are not fair.
Not hard, impossible. Say it with any oomph and you’ll get a ban.
The real rigging wasn’t at the polls, Democratic and Independent poll watchers didn’t report any significant election irregularities.
The real rigging was via unlimited billionaire funds to fill the media with propaganda (see Firehose of Falsehood), exacerbated by voter roll purges.
Why even manipulate the vote count itself, when you can just effectively brainwash the voters themselves via unlimited propaganda.
Which is partly why they are “banning” tiktok. They want American control over the algorithm and to get rich by making it American owned.
I didn’t claim that it was. Trump is signaling his intention, though. He’s going to let the liberal media work themselves up about how you cannot rig elections then do just that. Sorry you’re so nieve to not understand how this works yet. Good luck to you.
I’m not American, so I’m all words and no action in this case. But yeah, we’re all sensing the dread coming from your side of the pond. The tension is so high, you’re basically a camel with the biggest amount of straws on it’s back that I’ve ever seen. And there’s a new straw every week.
It’s an avalanche of straws at this point it’s pretty wild honestly.
the sooner you dweeebs stop running to the dems to save you the better off we will be.
Fucking THANK YOU. Been saying this since 2016.
I gave them the benefit of the doubt for 8 years. 8 fucking years. To see their performance during the last election. For me lending them all my support and walking away with nothing to show for it. Trump back in office and the party still accumulating around some of their most inept members after being so badly defeated in every way shape and form. It’s pathetic. Also it doesn’t matter anymore. Moving forward we should expect elections won’t be free or fair. If there is a way out it’s not through any available route and a new path will have to be made.
They haven’t been free or fair since 2000 when bush and co stole it
I was absolutely flabbergasted back then that they did nothing to stop a coup, and I’m not surprised at all anymore about their magical inability to do anything but please the donor class.
If you’re using some loose definition you can go all the way back and time and say the same. Remember the 3/5ths compromise? Remember women suffrage? Yea, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking a putin regime oligarchy. Welcome to it. And fuck you for trying to obsfucate.
The democrats are spineless and care more about norms than fighting fascists. But I expect nothing less than a shit lib take from a world user.
2000 was literally a coup and those who participated on behalf of the republicans were handsomely rewarded with SCOTUS positions and a top spot at Facebook.
This is not an argument. You suck at this.
I went back 24 years involving many of the same players as today and you’re going back 100+.
Frustrating but predictable.
Personally I’m pretty happy with how fucking awkward Elon was while doing it. The whole gif is really cringe.
It’s a long way to 2026 folks. We are going to have a lot of Federal Level damage in the next couple of years. Even if Democrats get elected in 2026+ we will have absurd debts to pay and likely be forced to raise taxes and be the bad guy again.
You do know it isn’t mandatory to let it happen, right?
Seriously, we do not have to abandon our right to revolution
Yeaaa about that.
If we cant get people to the polls.
How do we get people to the streets?
While I agree it looks like apathy has set in, maybe Luigi can be seen as a catalyst for change through action.
Godspeed my USian neighbours.
Won’t happen.
Americans are lazy bastards, and nothing makes them lazier than the cold. For as much as I admire Luigi, he will have thrown his life away for nothing. If he’d been a little bit sooner, or a lot bit later, maybe he could be a martyr. As is, he’ll be a footnote.
What you would need is several copycat killers, with some getting away, during the summer when Americans are comfortable protesting. Even then, American protests have recently been toothless, and haven’t made any effect on politics ever since Trump took office in 2016.
Inspiration doesn’t expire, it breeds like hope. History happens slowly and through a culmination of events. A catalyst is the enabler of the future.
That is indeed the problem.
Truth be told, it ain’t happening, but I get so sick of people shrugging it off and pretending that we don’t have a choice. We do
It’s just that the majority would rather watch the system get tighter and tighter because they think the noose isn’t going to be around their necks.
Wait until the price of eggs and gas goes up
americans abandoned that a long time ago.
You do know it isn’t mandatory to let it happen, right?
Did anyone tell the DNC? Because they’re sure as hell ACTING like it is…
Seriously, we do not have to abandon our right to revolution
A couple weeks late now. For a popular revolt facing an overwhelming power imbalance, you need to rely on anyone in government being squeamish about massacring civilians.
The new government would rather kill a thousand innocent people than concede the God-Emperor ever being wrong about anything, and the new Senate minority would rather let them than violate procedural norms.
And who will lead this revolution? Biden? Kamala?
Go on. Who is the leader? Do we just gotta all rally behind Jill Stein now?
Why do you think anyone that’s already part of the system would be involved at all?
It has to be us, the people, not some charismatic, or good liar that’s stuck in the concept of making the system work. It has to come from people that are tired of the fact that the system does work, just not for us
Give me a name. And stop stalling.
Are you dense?
No. I’m just aware of the need for a charismatic leader.
Civil rights had Martin Luther King. Among other leaders. The idea of doing this without leadership is the fundamental flaw.
Horse shit. Charismatic leaders are what got us into our current mess
I think we should be beyond any one human running everything honestly.
The way American politics are going, it’ll probably be lead by Jack Black.
If there is a leader, any leader at all, who’d try to lead the progressive cause? And one that people would really behind?
That’d be a good first start. Even celebrities like Jack Black.
Shit. I’d march with him.
Jack Black actively chose to call out his fellow band mates who made a mild joke about the assassination attempt that hit Trump’s ear.
He’s not going to be leading any revolutions.
Ah yes, wait for the do nothing democrats to save you, that sounds like a totally viable plan 🙄
So people told me I was being an overdramatic dick when I pointed the multiple similarities between the rise of Hitler and Trump and how the Nazis are coming back.
They’re back, out and disgustingly proud.
I’ll be showing them the footage and awaiting their bullshittery gymnastics. Wonder how they will spin it.
Ever think about what’s in the middle of a swastika?
Why is it backwards
Because dude isn’t up and familiar with Nazi stuff. Normal people don’t care to know.
I didn’t notice. I don’t know, it’s the first one in DuckDuckGo search lol
It is not. The swastika has 2 orientations with different meanings on multiple religions. The Nazi stole it and we can let it burn forever.
The version the Nazis used was the other way around
Why did you notice? sus
Enough Reading with pictures will do that
Why are you reading Nazi picture books? very sus
not mildly infuriating. it’s very infuriating
That was the first one, and then another one a few seconds later. Nothing accidental here.
he has an amazing ability to be incredibly rizzless. can’t even pull off a nazi salute without looking like an absolute dork
What’s the opposite of rizzmaxxing? Cause he’s doing that.
idk maybe he should own it. elonmuxxing.
Don’t forget the second one he threw immediately afterward
Where are all the people that said calling the MAGA people NAZIs was disregarding the history of “real NAZIs” ?
Where are all those MFers now ?
Real talk.
The richest men on the planet Earth are surrounding and and giving gifts/favors to a man who holds the highest position in a World Superpower with one of the largest militaries on the planet.
What can we realistically do to fight a possible incoming Nazi regime?
I watched the clip assuming this was taken way out of context, nope, he did it twice…
Thanks to @[email protected]
N.B. :
that link is from here :
https://lemmy.world/comment/14586905N.B. : from a removed post ( in which that comment was ) since the post was based on a photograph and that it was posted in /c/WorldNews … which does not allow post if it is not linked to a news article …
I’m austrian, and i have seen better nazi salutes by drunk edgy teenagers in the 90s. Are you americans in here sure he actually knows how a nazi salute should look like or do all of the Y’all Quaeda first grip their steroid induced mantits before they half-dab?
His Nazi skills simply match the level of his gaming skills.
I don’t even know why he did it.
Did he like expect to just walk into PoE and just click buttons to win?
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