Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • I agree they should have stopped at the time. But going back after having left the scene initially accomplishes nothing of value. It may or may not be illegal. Already crossed that line. It accomplishes an arbitrary responsibility that serves nothing but upsetting the owner of the dog again. We’re probably not going to agree about it, I guess. I wouldn’t try to talk someone out of going back, but having been on the victim side of this (and the driver’s side, with a cat, where I did stop and talk to the owner), I would not advise they go back after having already made the mistake of leaving initially. Best argument is “I had to get my kid to school” which, to the grieving family, may well sound like “my schedule was more important than your beloved pet’s life.” That’s irrational, of course, but grief is not rational.

  • Personally, I would gone immediately. That said, it was a high stress, emotional, and scary situation. What’s done is done, there’s nothing that going back now would accomplish. If you really feel bad enough to go back and explain what happened, I would suggest a letter instead. Let’s you get it off your chest, let’s the owner know what happened, and doesn’t risk a physical altercation because the owner is upset about you not stopping immediately.

    If it makes you feel any better, I’ve had 3 dogs hit by cars. The first survived, the driver did not stop. A neighbor told us. The second was lost and it took me hours to find him because the driver did not stop. It was devastating, and frankly, I’ve never gotten over his death. He was small, though, and it was night. I work off the assumption the driver thought he was a opossum or raccoon or something.

    The third was hit twice, both times the driver stopped. Both times the driver was just as upset as I was, and we comforted each other. It wasn’t their fault. It was my fault for not staying in top of fence maintaince, or assuming because I live in the middle of nowhere that’s it’s safe to let them run. Most dog owners aren’t going to blame you, unless you’re driving recklessly or aiming for the dog.

    You’re okay. It’s a horrible situation, but you didn’t do it on purpose, you didn’t do it out of malice. You’re still a good person. Be nice to yourself and try to move past this.

  • Anything even remotely phallic shaped and sized has probably been used like that by someone. Depends on how horny you are, both in the moment, and as a person in general. I’m a guy, but during puberty, when I was exploring masturbation and bottoming, lemme tell you, nothing was safe from getting fucked or fucking me.

    I wouldn’t be overly concerned about your produce, though. Most folks would toss it afterwards. If you notice your cucumbers or bananas going missing, then it might be cause for concern. But honestly, if your kids are at that age, and you’re genuinely concerned they’re doing something that might cause harm, the bigger concern is a lack of information about safe sex. A no questions asked Amazon gift card is one idea, but I’d recommend finding a good book or website you trust with sex Ed info, including safe solo sex practices, and an agreement that packages that come in their name aren’t to be opened by anyone else. In my experience, parents who trust their kids and don’t snoop or invade their privacy have way less to worry about from their kids than the parents who toss their rooms. My friends with the strictest parents had great hiding spots, I never even tried to find any. Didn’t need to hide anything, and as embarrassing as it would have been had I gotten a cucumber stuck up there or something, I would have been able to tell my mom and get a ride to the ER. If your kids seriously don’t trust you not to freak out, they could end up literally dying because the embarrassment would be worse than not dealing with a medical issue.

  • I used to host a d&d game, and since I love to cook, would normally make a meal beforehand for everyone to enjoy before we play. One week we made flatbread, homemade hummus, toom, and a bunch of other things in a similar vein.

    Only one friend ate the toom with me. Everyone left around 10pm. At 11pm he and his fiance were knocking on our door. She said he had to sleep over tonight because the garlic stink was just too much. Lmao.

    We stayed up most of the night eating more garlic. Lmao

  • Used to have the same car while working security. Id often have to sleep in it between shifts, as it would be too expensive to drive home between shifts if I was far away. Id also sometimes have only 6 hours between shifts, making it make more sense to just crash in the car. I had an inverter tied to the battery, a small solar panel gorilla glued to the roof, and 3 car batteries in the trunk. A box fan in the passenger window, a 24 inch TV and a PlayStation would often come with me, too. Had a fucking kettle and a redi-set-go pizza cooker that was a beast for cooking just about anything. Effectively I would live in that car for several days out of the week, sitting in it during my shift playing PlayStation, and sleeping in it wherever I could find between shifts.

  • Not racism in the “fuck those [insert slur here]s.” Racism in the sense of subtle background stereotypes that are super pervasive. Think queer villains in media. Msg was associated with Chinese food and ended up with a bad (and false) rap because of it. Mexican and Mexican ish foods are associated with stomach upset and GI issues. Chipotles has a similar stigma. It’s a cultural hang over from a time when outright discrimination and stereotyping was more acceptable. It’s not necessarily something we’re aware of doing when we do it, made even more insidious by virtue of people who do not hold negative views perpetuating the same stereotype because of our own lack of awareness to it.

  • If taco bell is sending you to the bathroom it’s because you’re ordering beans and you’re not used to beans and lots of fiber. That’s not the fault of taco Bell.

    Also, it’s the easiest fast food option for vegetarians and vegans, and as such has (in theory at least) a much better environmental footprint than the others. Fast food ain’t great, but Taco bell does not deserve the reputation it has. And while I am absolutely not assuming it’s why you said it, I can’t help but think the reason the whole taco bell equals poops thing is so prevalent is because of underlying racist sentiments, the same as with Chinese food and msg.