Too many people smoke in Europe and it’s too widely accepted.
Coming from northern Europe, we are usually surprised to see so many smokers when we vacation in the more southern parts of Europe. It used to be common here too, growing up in the 90s. But it just stopped. Very rarely do I see anyone with a cigarette, even outdoors. Cigarette butts are a rare find on the ground.
I’m happy about it. I hate smoking. But the snuff pandemic has to stop too. Many of my friends use it, and have for decades. I don’t understand why people don’t just choose not to put toxins in their body. So stupid. And they even pay to do it, too. A significant amount of money. So mf dumb.
I don’t understand why people don’t just choose not to put toxins in their body.
It’s because it’s addictive.
I never tried cigarettes nor snuff. Spoiler: I didn’t get addicted, because I chose not to put it in my body.
No one has ever offered you cocaine have they :|
Nope. And you could probably guess what I’d say, were I offered. 😌
Wow, that’s so amazing.
Depends on the country.
In Belgium, smoking is almost banned everywhere. But when I went to Greece, it was weird seeing so many smokers at restaurants.
Believe it or not, it was way worse and it’s getting better. The horrors of even 10 years ago, man. Smoke everywhere, cigarette butts all over the place, all the surfaces are covered in yellow grime.
I am smokin’ hot, it’s true.
Europe as a whole is swinging too far too the right. Y’all all are descending back into Fascism. The recent popularity of the AfD in Germany being a prime example. My own parents - who immigrated from Germany - are deeply disappointed in the direction the country is taking.
I thought America was racist until I saw a member of UK Parliament tweeting about a boat of migrants sinking with “Good riddance”.
There is still a lot of racism in America. I would not be surprised if I saw that from an American politician.
I definitely don’t agree with the sentiment and sinking of boats, but they basically are people coming from another first world country for economic reasons. The type of people willing to cheat the system and pay people smugglers tend to overlap closely with bad people. It’s not just simply coming from a place of “racism”. I’m more pissed though that people are putting their kids on these dangerous boats and killing them, or overexaggerating the legality and safety of said boats.
A safe and legal option into the UK is the best solution imo
Nobody wants to leave their country without good reason.
And people who come with little boats are not from first world countries. They have much better options. Including legal ones.
Also, “economic reasons” hides a whole fucking lot of pain. Not being able to grow enough food to feed yourself because of years of climate changed-caused drought is an “economic reason” to emigrate.
GDPR is great, but we all hate cookie banners
Not Eurpoe specifically but I shared a rather basic comment on YouTube joking about Great Britain causing famines in India but its okay because they brought trains and the result is a mile long thread of pissed off UK suckers telling me I’m wrong, that there was no fammine, the Wikipedia article and its 300 sources are fake, and that the British empire totally went around modernizing civilization for the benefit of humanity. (Was a post about Irish complaining about a very crappy Irish History book made by a British author)
So I guess for any of those people, no GB was just a colonist empire racing to exploit the hell out of resources faster than France, Spain, and Portugal. The technology they brought was used almost exclusively in their conquest operations (Trains used to transport goods and resources) and they actively supported and supplied opposition groups to destabilize and overthrow governments similar to what the USA does today.
I mean seriously, they held immense power over China via opium and are responsible for practically every shill state in the middle east because they provided weapons to overthrow the Ottaman empire.
The iconic pan arab flag is actually a British designed flag given to all the opposition groups they funded to break up Ottaman power.
They fell apart after exhausting their power in WWII and the USA came in to save them so now they gleefully cheer about how they carried in WWII with intelligence services as if Germany couldn’t have easily invaded the entire nation overnight had Hitler not been an incompetent moron.
Thankfully, after exploiting half the world, they totally didn’t spend the last of their power screwing over every former colony into some long term problem that they could exploit without the need for military power.
Europeans are just as susceptible to racism as Americans.
I’ve seen white europeans be like “I’ve never encountered any racism in europe!” Well that is because you are white
White doesn’t really have the same connotations in europe. There’s sadly plenty of racism, but the skin tone isn’t the main discriminator.
Can sadly confirm. European racism is just a different flavor of racism: there are always other European ethinicities to be racist against, especially Romani people, the latest trend seems to be discrimination against Muslims/people from the Middle East, and of course antisemitism is a timeless classic.
As a European myself, never mention the Romani people to anyone here unless you want to hear the most degenerate, racist diatribe you can conjure up in your mind. (half hyperbole half not)
As a north american who lives in Europe, agreed. However, the gypsies do not help their own case. They show up in my region every summer, illegally camp wherever they want on private property, and leave huge piles of trash wherever they’ve been. I’ve personally seen them getting into all sorts of debauchery, including breaking into people’s mail boxes and stealing bikes in plain sight. I have nothing against them and I’m sure their culture is extremely rich and interesting, but no one has the inherent right to just rip off the rest of society without consequences. Also, of course they aren’t all stealing and misbehaving, but I understand where people’s preconceived notions come from.
Sounds like the homeless problem where I live. Except the seasonal part
Hey, maybe don’t throw slurs around.
I had no idea this existed. Is there a historical reason for it?
Over simplified, because Romani are usually nomad, they live in moving settlements and don’t typically integrate much wherever they settle in. A lot of the hatred they receive also stems from these settlements being illegally set up in private/public property, as well as how they result in a lot of trash being dumped everywhere. There is also an issue with Romani criminality (stealing, damaging property, and sometimes there are even shootouts between different Romani families which result in casualties).
There is also a perceived notion that governments do not want to deal with these problems, which further fuels the hatred against the Romani as they’re seen as criminals who get away with everything.
The truth of course lies somewhere in the middle. Most Romani are not bad people if you take the time to know them, but there is definitely a lot of toxic cultural norms being perpetuated by leaders of many Romani families, which doesn’t help with clearing the stereotypes, and with very little to no integration between the Romani and the cultures they are in, it’s hard to get rid of the animosity.
There’s probably history too, but in many cities in EU there’s a lot of assumed roma beggars living in the streets, which means it’s a pretty in-your-face practical issue to deal with every day.
There was an Old sub reddit of people from the Balkans shitting on everyone.
Until a westoid posted and they all piled on them.
Their racism puts ours to shame. Like an old wine. They have cultivated their strain of racism since before America was a thought.
Can’t compete lol
God I miss this level of Shitposting
When there aren’t any people with foreign backgrounds to be racist at, you simply get racist at your neighbors.
You don’t understand. Your neighbors are the foreigners.
No shit,
HitlerSherlock. ;)That’s elementary, my dear
This. So many Europeans act with superiority because “at least we don’t shoot kill them” when looking at US police brutality, but e.g. we ignore how those cops in US mostly use Glocks made in Austria, making us part of the problem (and making a profit out of it). Or if we look at the deaths numbers, we ignore the many deaths the “protection” of our borders cause.
French food is wildly overrated, as is Paris.
Europe is not as different from the US as it likes to pretend, especially politically.
Racism is not a unique or exceptionally American phenomenon, and the things I’ve heard from otherwise progressive Europeans can fucking curdle milk equal or in excess to what people in my ultra-rural ultra-conservative home region of the US can say.
I’ve had good friends who were Europeans studying here, and they can definitely be very insensitive and racist. What makes the two flavors of racism different to me is American racism is typically very confrontational, tribalistic. White man calling a black man a slur, and there’s something cavalier about it, maybe even humorous on the part of the racist.
Europeans have a much more “it is the way it is” attitude. I’ve heard friends talk very disparagingly about interracial couples, or blacks in general, and the attitude is less “hate for hate’s sake” but instead “it is the wrong way to be and my way is correct”. Fascinatingly, when you point out the bigotry, my friends have typically refused to accept their bias (at best), and will deny they’re racist.
I’ve heard Europeans call Turks ‘filthy’ and ‘roaches’ and Africans ‘monkeys’. And don’t get me started on the things said about the Romani.
I don’t think there’s a difference in how tribalistic or vicious it is.
Weird. I haven’t.
Making sure I’m reading this right…I know a guy who claims he isn’t sexist but that it is OK to pay women less because they aren’t as good at some things as men. So in his mind, it isn’t sexist to pay women less or even claim they should be paid less - even though it is.
Is that similar to what you’re saying?
Not a bad way of comparing it tbh
Did you type ‘females’ instead of ‘women’ for the sake of the argument or did you get caught up in it as well?
Guess I got caught in it. Just looked it up and didn’t realize until now that female wasn’t an acceptable word to use. TIL. Thanks!
The easy way to understand and remember is that “female” is an adjective the vast majority of the time, and it’s usually misogynists and incels using it as a noun.
I think mysoginists just have a lot of spotlight on them, or are vocal. I hadn’t been aware of “female” being used as a slur before it was pointed out here on Lemmy. I think “female” as a noun is still used neutrally far more often than as a slur.
As an adult female human, I have never been called a “female” in a positive or neutral tone. The key point is that you basically never hear people calling men “males” anywhere outside of scientific discussion.
While we’re on the topic, I think “black people” is the preferred term (in general it’s adjectives over nouns, like “gay people” vs “gays”)
I’ve heard people of all types use the word ‘blacks’ I think it’s a regional thing.
It’s more likely a field thing. People who work in fields highly dedicated to equity (esp. those working in healthcare) are especially concerned with their language and so create style guides that people outside those fields have gleaned from.
Just ask a Mexican person what it’s like to travel to Spain
Ask a Spanish or Portuguese person what it’s like to travel to France or Belgium. Italians used to face racism in other European countries a few generations ago:
Definitely agree on the “Europe is just racist in a different way.” Outside of the obvious ones (like Middle East & Africa), I’d also add racism/xenophobia against “Eastern” Europe (like Poland), which might surprise Americans because they’re still white.
And even then the European countries that feel they’re ahead of the rest tackling racism it’s usually only the urban university educated talking with their fingers in their ears ignoring the majority of the rest of their country.
The things I’ve heard far too many Europeans of various nationalities say about MENA, Desi, Turkish, and Romani folk just… makes my skin crawl.
America has a deep racism problem, and it is both right and necessary to acknowledge it. But those who pretend that Europe doesn’t have a deep racism problem are either not paying attention or in denial - especially considering recent political developments.
I have been surprised by how racist many Brits are
sexist too.
France, Germany, and Austria all have a military-industrial complex problem. MIL money might not dominate their politics the same way as the US, but there is a problem there.
Even with their post-WW2 defensive militaries, Germany and Austria are perfectly ready to sell military hardware to anyone with the cash. H&K, Glock, and Steyr all hail from those two.
France sold off the Exocet anti-ship missile to just about anyone. As far as I can tell, it has only been fired in anger at the boats of other NATO members. Thanks, France!
Not even close to what the US does. Far from it. The US military budget is larger than most other countries overall budget.
Nice whataboutism you got there
Tons of tu quoque replies in the whole thread, which tends to prove OP’s title. Yes, we’re aware America does these things turbocharged. The whole point is that EU nations do all sorts of shit, too, but it isn’t scrutinized because America does it worse.
Many of your economies strive cause they stolen loads of values from us.
Your cops are bad too
Europeans are really fucking racist. Asians and Jews are cool and yet yall are really weird about them. and don’t get me started on how badly Islam is vilified…
You seriously never met a racist Asian?
are you stupid? what makes you think i said that
You called out one group for being racist and said another was cool as if they are not also really racist
Of course he has, fuck’s lying or stupid
try reading what i wrote again you fucking moron
European here, you’re entirely right. The racism here is heavily engrained in the cultural rivalries, where we’re racist against all the foreign cultures, and there’s just so many of them you can’t reconcile all of them. Italians, slavs (and all the different slavs), Nordics, Spaniards, Dutch, German, French, Russians, etc. And that’s not even scratching religion, color, or other continents.
The Irish are cool most everywhere tho.
The Irish are cool most everywhere tho.
Lol, get the Irish started on the Travelers, and it’ll come out for them, too. The amount of times I hear “They’re knackers, they’re just scumbags,” or similar when one of them shows up was pretty surprising, initially.
The Irish are cool most everywhere tho.
Earned their stripes denying the English parasites
If you want to hear a bigoted rant, get a French person talking about the Spanish.
Now that’s news, I don’t think I ever heard something bad about the spanish from a fellow french
I’ve heard it a few times, from young and old, took me back I must say. A lot of it was when I was making a day trip from Biarritz to Bilbao, by train and bus. Yikes, I thought you guys got along ok! Apparently not.
Maybe when nearing the border it gets shittier
Ask them about the English
No way, lol! I always make it very clear, je viens de nouvelle zelande. And I’m not still upset about that terrorist attack by your spies…
Also “Gypsies.” Europeans aren’t fans.
That always blows my mind. They get more hate than the jews even from some of the most tolerant Europeans.
Nobody is “weird” about Asians or Jews where I live, that I know of. I’m even half west-Asian myself. Nobody had been weird about it to me, ever. I was always met with positivity regarding my heritage. Surprised to see you say this, to be honest.
middle eastern person says on internet that they haven’t experienced racism, must mean there’s no racism
Not what I wrote at all if you pay close attention but okay.
It’s true. I would extend this to the world, though. The world is generally fucking racist
Islam is a religion, not a race. It’s a set of ideas. I don’t think attacking the religion is morally wrong, as long as you don’t attack the races that commonly practice it.
don’t get me started on how badly Islam is vilified
Pedo Worship do be like that
What is this about ?
The main daddy married then raped a child aisha. Wikipedia has a decent write up around it.
Instead of admitting that this is fucked up bullshit they go around explaining how that’s just things were back then… Where did we hear this before, looking at these rock stars that idiots are still explaining away. Or go straight into meltdown mode.
I guess because their funny book said it and it is about their pedo daddy, we can’t point out this is pedophilia and it should not be justified.
Asians are pretty based ngl. I know plenty of muslims who are cool, but many tend not to be cool when/if they grow in number
Asians are racist af even against other Asians
And that justifies anything?
Asians are cool
damn you got upset at me saying Asians are cool? what a clown
and racist
I’m not surprised, they have to live with them!
Although in fairness a lot of it is anti Japanese hate, and that was some heinous shit that went down in the 40s, even by WWII standards.
Some of the most racist people I’ve met are Asian. My neighbor is a Filipino Trump supporter who was patrolling the property with a concealed gun during the BLM protests
cool you can post that in the next thread about things the sinophere isn’t ready to hear
Dude… Have you met Asian & Jewish people?? They’re racist as f#*k 🤷🏽♀️ What I’m saying is: Racism is everywhere.
Edit: Added the end bit.
what makes you think i said otherwise?
Yes they are, and the USA just re-elected someone who tried to institute a Muslim ban.
who gives a shit about the US?
As someone who isn’t a European, most of these comments are yanks being loudly wrong about something and the saying “see the europeans weren’t ready to hear it” when someone points out how stupid the thing they said was.
I will say the Americans not ready to hear post was pretty much everything I complain about all the time. I don’t think these posts are good in any way. It’s just slinging shit for no reason with no productive conversation.
Europeans like to pretend they’re innocent, but they are the benefactors of most the damaging empires to have ever existed. They colonized nearly the entire world, extracting value from other cultures while destroying them. They pulled out once it was financially wise, keeping the wealth they extracted and leaving behind the destruction they created. They then blame everyone else for their issues while bragging about how awesome the EU is while overlooking that the EU is only possible due to the wealth they stole from everyone else. Europe likes to discuss that they had their social hardship discussing WWII, but the origin and impact of WWII there was internal to Europe. Had Europe been subject to colonization from elsewhere, it would be just as much a mess as other places. Look at the situation in former Soviet Pact countries that were practically colonized by Russia for maybe half a century. Now imagine if instead of half a century, it was hundreds of years and 5 times as brutal.
Fun fact: The term “colony” comes from Christopher Colombus’ name, which is Spanish is Cristobal Colon. Even the term colonization derives from a European.Apparently, that was;dr: Europe got to where it is by destroying the rest of the world while blaming the rest of the world for their issues. Their critique of USA is merely a distraction from their own responsibility.
The rest of your comment is great, but it would have taken a five-second check on to make sure you got your etymology right (which you didn’t)
Had my Spanish brother in law over for the holidays. He says spanish schools teach that the spaniards were trying to civilize the natives and bring them a better life. And sure, some things went wrong, but that columbus should be seen as a hero. He strongly beleives it. I was floored. I thought that stuff was pretty settled. I showed him some info on the genocide of Hispanola, and he said he’d never seen that before, but that we cant judge what happened back then by todays standrads, and that the word genocide hadnt even been invented back then, and that method of conflict was normal back then.
There was a recent call in Barcelona to take down the Columbus statue, at least as early as 2016 (
I live in Barcelona, and Colombus and colonization is definitely not a popular topic:
On the other hand, Spain can still be quite racist, football players being a good example (,
The word colony comes from the Latin word colonia. I guess you could say the Romans were “European colonizers” but their socioeconomic systems were fundamentally different from modern Europe.
We don’t believe in generational sin, forced upon you because your grandparents did something bad either.
Lol the downvote brigade is here +11/-7 and on my other comment too, if I’m so wrong tell me why!
Ignoring the past doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, or that it has no bearing on the present. “Somebody else did it so the generational inequity is fine actually” is a terrible argument.
Which is not what I said. At all.
Putting words in other peoples mouth is not as good as you think it is.
Your reply was a nonsequitur as well
In whzt way is it a non sequitur ?
It’s not my job to educate you
Also, if you’re going to correct my misspellings, don’t misspell “what”
I will believe this when the British museum, the Louvre, etc are devoid of stolen (or very unfairly “purchased”) artifacts from former colonies. Generational responsibility may not be a thing, but institutional abuses spanning centuries that persist into the current day absolutely are.
Fair enough, but it’s quite far away from enslaving and murdering.
Edit: I see the difference between stealing versus raping, enslaving and murder. Not saying stealing is right, but there is more than a nuance to it lol.
It’s the trophies from the enslavement and murder. They didn’t get to keep the people, but they did keep souvenirs.
like serial killer trophies. They just cant help themselves.
Countries built their generational wealth on the backs of slaves though. Look at how, for instance, Belgium enriched itself though the horrific abuses in the Congo. While it’s true that no one alive was directly responsible, they still benefit from it.
Yeah I think they’re aware of colonisation
deleted by creator
I don’t think Columbus was the origin of the word “colony”
I guess Finland isn’t European by your description then 🤷🏻♂️
Most Europeans still have a casual sense of arrogance and superiority over the rest of the world. It’s not very heavy, but it’s there, even among some of the best people I know
I have a formal sense of arrogance, thank you.
How does it manifest?
I don’t what the commenter is referring to specifically, but I encountered it as a young Australian working as a farm labourer. There were a couple of Germans working on the farm who looked down on me for having never travelled to Europe, and not being fluent in a second european language. The difference is that I was working for a living, and didn’t have the money for travel. They were just working there as an experience while travelling overseas. As an older person, I now see that as a class issue, but at the time I got the impression that Europeans were snobby. I suspect they just came from wealthier backgrounds.
I totally get it, the people that can afford going abroad like that aren’t going to be the average.
It reminds me of this story about Swedes being the cause of an insult. Apparently they got known in Spain for being lazy no-good bums, whereas they typically are known for being incredibly diligent workers. Turns out the Swedes going to Spain were only ever there for vacation, and thus earned a reputation for never doing work.
Yeah that’s a fair point. We make generalisations about people from other countries, but they’re not all the same. Later in life I lived in Germany while I was pursuing my engineering career, and felt more affinity with the engineers of similar background to myself than I do for rich people in my own country. Growing up in the 21st century in western countries somewhat blinds you to class awareness because the media and education system doesn’t discuss it but I feel that is starting to change now as online interaction breaks down those legacy barriers.