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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Used to have this reoccurring nightmare about once a year where my parents had to put me through this “rite of passage” where they would lock me in a cabin for like a week. At night a beast or entity? that looked dog like, but bigger, made of just muscles with sharp teeth would show up in the cabin and I’d have to survive.

    The first time I was with an old man who saved me and showed me the ropes. The second time the old man refused to help me but was there to help me and give me hints. The third time it was just me and I had to make it all on my own. Really interesting series honestly.

  • My parents live in a house built by my great grandmother, when I was a kid, about 7, just before I went to take a bath I saw the spirit of an old woman walk out of my parents room and into mine.

    She walked out, paused and looked at me, and then walked into my room. I. was. PETRIFIED. Although I knew if I told my dad something he wouldn’t believe me, so I put tried to not think about it as I had to walk towards the side of the house she had just walked from to take a bath lol. Nothing else happened that night. I didn’t recognize the woman but I remembered her face.

    A few weeks later I was going to sit down in our front room. On the table next to the chair I was going to sit in was one of my mom’s lamps, it was ornate and had a small glass pane slotted into a piece of wood. We always had an obituary card wedged in there so that it would show through the glass, but I never really read it or looked at it, it was one of those things that kind of just faded into the background for me. Especially since I’m ADHD, my brain kind of just filters out stuff sometimes. Even though I never really looked at it, my mom had told me it was my great grandmother’s obituary card. Well, as I was sitting down I happened to glance at it, and I had to do a double take, that was the woman I saw!

    I asked my dad when about my great grandmother lived here, where everyone’s bedroom’s were. He said “Well, Mimi had my bedroom, and yours was your grandmother’s and her sister’s.” That about confirmed it for me: I had seen the spirit of my great grandmother performing her nightly check up on her daughters. After that day sometimes if felt like she was watching over me in my room, although that could have just been in my head since I had seen her walk in.

  • That’s how it usually goes on real life though. The “good guys” are actually capitalist war mongers and the bad guys are radicalized individuals who used to hold more moderate views before the inaction of those in power drives them to violence and extremism.

    This is the story with the U.S. vs most of its enemies in the past. We would literally intentionally breed instability in socialist movements, either by funding the other side, funding more extremist people to radicalize a movement in order to justify military action, or kill a moderate leader to leave a vaccine of power for more radical and militant groups to take their place. Usually a combo of all 3. Thanks Henry Kissinger you disgusting piece of filth.

  • I was already having issues with what the church taught about gay people. One of the priests at my college church likened sex before marriage to child sex trafficking, saying premarital sex directly lead to child sex trafficking. I walked out in the middle of the sermon.

    I was still on the fence about if I was Catholic or not afterwards, it was all I knew growing up after all. I went to history class that next semester and learned the Bible was just piecemealed together by a bunch of old white men in the 16th 4th Century during the council of nicea. There is literally no way to tell who actually wrote the stories in the Bible, much less determine their validity because the stories were put together in a single book hundreds of years after they were written. On top of that, if a story didn’t fit what these guys decided the Catholic faith was supposed to be, they threw it out!

    The Bible isn’t the word of God, it’s some dudes in the 16th 4th century’s head cannon.

    That pretty much sealed the deal for me. If there is some divine force, it certainly wasn’t going to speak to me through this book or this faith.

    Then to add insult to injury, in that same class I learned about the history about how the Christian faith came about, and how they basically just chose one of many Mesopotamian gods and decided he was the one true God and propagandized and crusaded their way into making people accept their beliefs. All of it was just decided and shaped by humans, and none of it was “divine” as I was taught. It was all a lie.