Where is your evidence that autism is a disease? Because that’s the sort of shit Autism Speaks says.
Why do you even thing autistic people want to be “cured?”
Libertarians have no concept of how the real world works. But more amusingly, they seem to be unaware that the vast, vast, vast majority of the world doesn’t want what they’re selling. And with all of their talk of not wanting to force things on people, they sure seem happy to force their own ideals on them. See the town they took over in New Hampshire by moving there en masse to force libertarianism, The town where they decided to end trash pickup and then the bears took over.
Then you wouldn’t mind if your neighbor put your picture and address all over these social media sites telling everybody the (I hope) lie that you’re a pedophile, right?
Or do you think that maybe there is some nuance here?
Yeah, but the vaccines obviously caused her son’s problems! It’s hard to know if he even is autistic or if that was just part of her whole bullshit grift. She made a lot of money from this.
I am so fucking tired of people treating autism like it’s some horrible disease worse than death.
It’s just a different way of viewing and reacting to the world.
Are some autistic people severely intellectually disabled? Sure. Plenty of non-autistic people are too.
These antivaxxers act like if you kid is going to be autistic, you might as well have never had a kid.
And then on top of that, you have big antivaxxer proponent Jenny McCarthy saying she cured her son’s autism, so why did she make such a big fucking deal about it?
Incidentally, it’s been scrubbed from the web, but there used to be a website where Jenny McCarthy wrote an essay about how her son was an “indigo child,” which meant he was going to grow up to be superhuman with all sorts of amazing powers. It contained the unforgettable line, “after my son was born, I quit smoking.”
Edit: Ha! I found it on the Wayback Machine! And I was wrong about what she said. What she said was worse.
As all of you know, being a mother changes you in ways that you never thought you could imagine. I went from chain smoking and eating cheeseburgers to Hepa air filters and eating vegetarian after my son was born
I remember when I was young and bending down all the time was a thing you could do painlessly. Ah, youth.
These aren’t automatic switches, but other people explained the reasoning.
Probably not in the middle of Turkey.
It’s just a bird.
I just spent 30 seconds feeling around a TV to turn it off only to discover it doesn’t have buttons.
Ugh. That annoys the shit out of me. Our dog chewed up the TV remote when she was a puppy, but only got to the power button. But since the TV had no physical buttons, we couldn’t turn it on and off anymore until we got a new remote.
Most of the places in the world I have been to do without them, or at least did when I was there, so it confused me. But some people have given good explanations now.
Does it? Can’t you just turn off the device instead?
I don’t get how that makes it safer.
You may not have noticed, but this community is called “mildly infuriating,” not “I am a victim and this is intolerable.” For more information, please see the sidebar.
Okay, what else can be hidden in a bar of deodorant? Do you think people are packing it with C4 or something? I’m not even sure how that would work.
Yep, this was bar too.
Sounds like a good idea to stop prosecuting people for drugs in that case.
This lady gave me shit for standing “at the other side” of a table that was sticking out a little. I was standing next to it to give my daughter room. I had to back up so that I was technically behind the table. There would have been no way for me to get to the lady from where I was standing or any other TSA employee or equipment. Just ridiculous.
We can only fly 30 meters at a time! Do you know how long it would take us to get to Heathrow that way?!
Evidence please.
You’re also arguing that it both is and is not a disease. It can’t be both.
And you still haven’t explained why people want to be “cured.” Homosexuality used to be considered a disease that can be cured too, by the way. And there are still parents who force their kids into those “cures.” That is what you are advocating here, except for autism. As if people with autism have no agency.