My pre-name change Berenstein Bears collection.
Thank you fellow internet user. When I had my first kid I was absolutely dumbfounded to see the spelling. Thought it was old age…
I don’t know the answer to the question, but what would happen if Christians changed to an Ai-“improved” bible?
The bible is already a work of hallucination. I’d like a little of whatever whoever came up with that pile of nonsense was on. I’m not sure what AI can add to it.
Many parts of the Old Testament are based on stories created thousands of years before. Those stories were possibly using imageries and plot lines that symbolized something real at the time… known as ‘teaching stories’.
Of course many of the B jockies did not go to good (or any) schools, did not understand the languages spoken by the original authors, and didn’t let that stop them. (At least not in Monte Python’s stories.)
I was taught that God dictated the Bible to scribes. Whether the scribes were high on local smokes and/or brews … how the hell can we know? Small wonder we can make sense of any of it at all … let alone the authors’ original intentions.
So, like those guys, try to get the AI to hire you to help people understand its stories. Meh, it’s a lliving - and it worked before.
Most of the work on the Bible was done in a committee hundreds of years after the alleged events. So most probably just plain old fashioned alcohol.
The OT for sure. The NT is different, there’s decent evidence the NT was substantially completed in the first century with minor edits in the second. (Wholesale rewrites in the first century totally on the table, though unlikely)
As a secular scholar I’d point to the lack of substantive differences between the versions used by the widely dispersed church fathers in the early second century, their preoccupation with pointing out error, and their lack of having to tackle massive differences in the text when they tackled lots of other problems and heresies
…I should really get on that self-hosted Wikipedia copy
Nah, I don’t trust it. Better to be safe and nuke the internet, how do I even know what content has already been infected and replaced with AI?
The history articles on Wikipedia could be replaced with fake history. Better burn it all just to be safe, ever last server, computer, hard drive, SSDs, BIOS chips, everything!
Stick with real books in libraries.
Wait a minute, how do I know you aren’t an AI?
It’s not very effective…
Throw pitchforks at them servers, see how it like them apples
Instructions unclear, old mac mini running linux now has a fork jammed into it.
gh repo fork MelodiousFork/mac-mini-old
Porn, obviously. Internet is for porn.
and cats.
Is this a fact? NJ
Why’d you think the Net was born?
Photos of my cats.
Doing the lords work
Guess I’ll just keep collecting anime.
Non-anime non-small-kid animation, especially series. (8-adult is fine, no porn)
I have a pretty big collection so far (tho I’ve not yet acquired much from before the 80s cuz I don’t really care for most of it) so I’m off to a good start in preservation :)
Care to give some recommendations? :)
Depends heavily what you are interested in.
What sort of thing have you watched and enjoyed?
However, for more general-purpose, less super well known (as far as I’m aware), recommendations, I really enjoyed:
- wolfboy and the everything factory (big owl house/amphibia vibes)
- invincible fight girl (just came out)
- Gary and his demons
- kite man hell yeah
- exploding kittens
- Carol and the end of the world
- unicorn warriors eternal
- pantheon
- little demon
- disventure camp season 1 (2 is… meh)
- camp camp
- centaurworld
- monsters at work
- elliot from earth
- glitch techs
- hazbin hotel
- undone
- infinity train
- human discoveries (dumb but enjoyable)
- hilda
- ugly americans
I’m gunna arbitrarily stop here, I have a lot more recs if those don’t suit your taste, as those are mostly just things that have come out since 2019.
People, if you’re not archiving the stuff on the internet you really care about, you’re really going to miss it when it’s gone—and more often than not it is “when” and not “if”.
You can get a 8tb external HDD for about £100 (and obviously smaller for a little bit less). It’s not an ideal preservation solution but it’s better than nothing (obvs set up a proper NAS with redundant storage if you’ve got the desire and money).
Niche TV shows, weird websites, helpful YouTube videos, Wikipedia (yes you can download Wikipedia), whatever it is, it’s really not much effort to make sure something you might miss won’t disappear without a chance for you to save it.
And use the rest of the free space on the disk to back up important stuff you’ve only got on a cloud storage (or even just local to a single device). Don’t only keep your photos in cloud storage.
I would backup Linux repos, distros, code also media like movies and TV
This is the key plot of Fahrenheit 451.
calling [email protected]
WDYM by “responsibility”?
Just like, what media do you have that would be safe from the AI-ocalypse
Lots of stuff. Most notably an above average amount of gay porn.
I’d say Chinese movies and Buddhist monographs.