Non-anime non-small-kid animation, especially series. (8-adult is fine, no porn)
I have a pretty big collection so far (tho I’ve not yet acquired much from before the 80s cuz I don’t really care for most of it) so I’m off to a good start in preservation :)
Non-anime non-small-kid animation, especially series. (8-adult is fine, no porn)
I have a pretty big collection so far (tho I’ve not yet acquired much from before the 80s cuz I don’t really care for most of it) so I’m off to a good start in preservation :)
Care to give some recommendations? :)
Depends heavily what you are interested in.
What sort of thing have you watched and enjoyed?
However, for more general-purpose, less super well known (as far as I’m aware), recommendations, I really enjoyed:
I’m gunna arbitrarily stop here, I have a lot more recs if those don’t suit your taste, as those are mostly just things that have come out since 2019.