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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • Probably get shot by some Y’all Qaeda cosplayer for having a mixed race spouse. Whether this happens before or after my brother gets taken out for being gay is up for debate. I hope my sister is spared because her meathead baby daddy is a right wing useful idiot, but she’s an unmarried bisexual mother and that doesn’t pass the purity test, no sir.

    I kinda feel bad for my mom since she was largely apolitical until a black man had the audacity to get elected president, but there’s nothing I can do to stop the parade of leopards once they go face-hunting. Doubly so if I’m dead.

  • I agree that region will play a key part. But I think that the domino that sends the rest falling is going to be Canada annexing Greenland. Nobody is expecting it, and it won’t be long before Greenland is actually green so it makes sense from a territorial perspective. But the sudden shift is going to make Great Britain nervous, and they’ll take Iceland in response as a buffer against Canuck imperialism. While they’re distracted in the north, Argentina will be all “fucking FINALLY” and take the Falklands. China of course will have taken Taiwan by this time and things will be very chaotic.

    But while everyone is busy stealing land, pointing fingers, and disseminating misinformational propaganda, Antarctica will have had enough. Sayonara, big-ass ice shelf. Hello, ~1m (or more!) sea level rise. Suddenly those islands don’t seem so important.

    In any case, King Trump/Biden the First will seize the opportunity and invade Antarctica, treaty or no, as recompense for Florida, the Mississippi River delta, and most of NJ. Which will turn out to be very prescient when it’s realized that the frozen (for now) fresh water is more valuable than the oil they went after in the first place.