M. 34. Unfortunately I will never get companionship, never being with a woman, so that means no kids, until recently i was doing a miserable job, now I’m unemployed. I don’t have friends and still living with my family since I can’t survive alone, we’re low class…

Seriously, what’s the point? Please don’t tell me to just live and go out there and explore the world, to leave everything behind, that’s not possible. I always despised “exploring” that’s why I stay in my room most of the time, even when I had a job. But I know how some of you will respond…

I guess there’s no point. Someone had to lose this fucking game.

  • waz@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Find a purpose that motivates you. For some people that is exploring, for others it is expressing themselves creatively, or helping people, or fighting for a cause you believe in, or trying to make the perfect baked potato.

    I don’t know your specific limitations. Perhaps there is motivation in overcoming them, or helping others so they won’t have them too?

    You were a little sparse with details, and I trust you have your reasons. Depending on this situation this advice could be pretty insensitive. My goal is not to offend or upset. I hope I haven’t.