I’ll just drop this here:
This dude isn’t just your run of the mill conservative idiot, he’s exceptionally stupid.
So what I read is that TPUSA enables useful idiots.
Stop giving attention whores what they want, for fuck’s sake. It’s like getting mad at Facebook comments which I thought we’d all learned was useless a decade ago.
TPUSA? Toilet paper USA? Is that a shit rag or something?
Its Turning Point USA but you aren’t far off.
I work for a company that can be abbreviated TPUSA and they often do. A funny thing is that they had a big banner inside the building that said “Proud to be TP”
What do you expect? He was defending the oppressed businesses during a riot.
Here is the full transcript of Hancock’s (@DaveHan06) post on X/Twitter:
Is anyone surprised that Kyle’s far-right political handlers ensured this particular detail didn’t make it into his book? (Referring to photo of email detailing how Rittenhouse was banned from ever applying to the Marine Corp again due to failing the entrance exam so terribly)
Regarding his online high school diploma, we had to force him to complete the four years of credits in just ten months, which he did using the “Google machine.”
We invested significant effort to craft the image you witnessed during the trial. We outfitted him in new suits, arranged for his haircut every weekend during the trial, and dedicated over 200 hours to prepare him for direct and cross-examination. We employed the world’s leading jury consultant and conducted extensive research through three mock trials to identify the ideal jurors and the most effective approach for his testimony.
Transforming a middle school dropout who was “angry at the world” with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing into a respectable young man with a desire for higher education and a promising future was no easy feat.
It was a meticulously crafted facade, which we sincerely hoped he would grow into. Instead, he squandered a full scholarship to study any subject at any university in the country to become a divisive douchebag and antagonize black Americans on college campuses. Kyle failed to learn a single thing. He remains the same uneducated, arrogant, and antagonistic individual, incapable of telling the truth.
Now, he genuinely believes he is the show pony we created and has surrounded himself with sycophants who fuel his inflated ego because they prioritize their political agenda and Christian Nationalist worldview over his well-being.
Despite my efforts to guide him toward a better path in life, the allure of notoriety triumphed over the prospect of putting in the hard work of pursuing an education. Kyle is ill-equipped to offer advice to young people. I regret my role in shaping him into whatever he has become. If I had known what I know now about Kyle’s history, I wouldn’t have been involved.
It was a meticulously crafted facade, which we sincerely hoped he would grow into.
Kyle failed to learn a single thing.
He doesn’t appear to be the only one.
My dad is too, but he’s 55. Guess where he puts his vote
I believe he scored so low on the USMC entrance exam that he’s never allowed to pay again. Apparently it’s not easy to score so low
I got a 97/99 on the ASVAB and I am a fucking moron.
What a boring fucking journalist. Imagine confidently typing “please make 8 words into 300” into chatGPT.
That level of irony should be illegal
So should the accompanying level of stupidity.
Conservatives, they don’t send their best and brightest.
Oh god, maybe they do.
Hate to break it to you, but it’s actually illegal to kill people and he got away with doing it twice. I’m not happy about it, but he’s not going to be touched for this comment, I promise you.
He should be serving consecutive live sentences, but instead he was given a platform to speak on and became a poster child for conservative values.
The American “justice” system is a joke and a farce.
It should be fatal.
As soon as you say some bullshit like that? Chair to the face.
Is it not literally hate speech?
But setting aside the fact that a descendant of colonizers has the caucasity to tell the descendants of the colonized that they should “leave” the land they rightfully pointed out was stolen from them…
Oh, that’s good.
Definitely gotta add that one to the lexicon!
It’s a bit self-hating white person to be honest.
Nope. Hating the bigotry of people who have skin color or another trait in common with yourself does not equal hating yourself. Caucasity is not a trait inherent to all white people.
Contrary to the fantasies of bigots, white people are not one big team united against everyone else.
It’s not really a word. Also it clearly implies something is inherent to “Caucasians” - I can’t be bothered to do any clever wordplay on the other supposed racial categories, but I suspect any equivalent puns might be considered a little problematic, what what?
It’s not really a word
Since it’s used to convey meaning using letters and people understand that meaning, it by any definition that matters IS a word.
Also it clearly implies something is inherent to “Caucasians”
No. “Particularly Caucasians” ≠ “all Caucasians”.
I can’t be bothered to do any clever wordplay on the other supposed racial categories
Good, because that would likely be punching down, unlike pointing out how audacious some white people are with their privilege.
but I suspect any equivalent puns might be considered a little problematic, what what?
No, they wouldn’t be equivalent. Pointing out white privilege and criticizing those that wield it as both a sword and a shield is not the same as making fun of less privileged people or even white people who are aware of and don’t exploit their privilege.
So, racism bad, except against white people?
Lol no
So, racism bad, except against white people
Nope. Pointing out that someone is being racist isn’t itself racist.
I was referring to the whole “punching down” concept.
I don’t agree with you.
It’s not actually subjective. That’s just how bigotry and privilege works 🤷
Pretty caucasius of you.
I’m actually white, so the joke’s on you.
It’s OK to create racial epithets if it’s punching the right people.
That’s not really the right line to draw.
Using it satirically to point out hypocrisy is one thing, and that’s fair (but you need to make it obvious). If people don’t get it’s a particular person’s actions you’re mocking then you’re doing it wrong
No need to mansplain it to me.
His opinions aren’t newsworthy.
Can we agree to just vote the post to oblivion where it belongs?
Until the left outrage the paper generated gives him enough fake credibility to actually get elected.
Yeah best to ignore twats don’t give them clicks or views. Or write articles about them lol
I mean, he makes the rounds in the right wing grift-o-sphere somewhat regularly, has huge name recognition, and likely a very positive q score among maga types.
He probably doesn’t need any leftist outrage to win a primary in the right district.
Is a positive q score how likely they are to believe in delusional conspiracy theories that are obvious rebrands of Nazi propaganda? Or am I thinking of a different q?
The public should not care what Kyle Rittenhouse thinks and we should not amplify a stupid thing he said.
Let’s not give this absolute nobody media space please…
This is the most click bait article I accidentally clicked on. I need to factory reset my phone after coming in contact with that website.
Why report, what a crying murderer thinks?
*Fake crying
Why, comma?
Fordi det er grammatisk korrekt på mit sprog.
Or national hero, depending on who you ask
Imagine that being your hero.
I make the same expression after taco night.
I made it regularly for a month until I got treated in hospital. I had a flare up of ulcerative colitis.
Yes, much like the men who stormed Normandy Beach, Kyle Rittenhouse bravely shot at people who didn’t have guns while running away from them.
Hero for sure.
I’m happy they always use the picture of him crying like the bitch baby he is
Stop giving attention to this cunt
Dude may be a legit GOP Presidential contender one year, maybe we should stay on him?
something about crosshairs?
(beg pardon to the international audience, just trying to speak in terms that Americans will understand)
Why are we giving this odious little twerp the oxygen of publicity?
‘We’ as in the the public because humans are addicted to drama.
‘We’ as in the the media because drama brings clicks and clicks bring money.
‘We’ as in this community because the headline is fucking hilarious
And that thumbnail
deleted by creator
Because as important as it is to deplatform these idiots, we also need to know what they’re doing. They’re still going to be out there actively radicalizing people and you can’t fight this shit if you don’t know it exists.
Dude is so dumb he got PERMANENTLY disqualified from joining the crayon eaters club. And this was during a time they were desperate for new recruits too lol
If this is real then holy fuck is he dumb.
I’m pretty sure the minimum ASVAB score is like 30. I’m pretty sure you could get that by randomly guessing on most of it. I try not to be too harsh in my judgements of the less intelligent but holy fuck do you have to be dumb to be fully disqualified.
You can pass the ASVAB enough to join by answering C on every question. I know this to be true because I worked with multiple guys who said they did exactly that. That may not be true today but it was 15 years ago.
Infantry only needs a 30, so statistically yeah I believe it’s possible.
Fully and permanently… 😂
I went with a guy that scored 19. They were talking about bringing him back to retest later.
You can retest as much as needed, really, and if you can’t get your score up a recruiter can schedule you time with a nearby Ed Center if there is one for ASVAB classes to get your scores up because “some folks aren’t test takers!”
I’m not saying that fuckstick Mcbangbang is by any means smart but a permanent disqual for low ASVAB? I ain’t seent it before.
I’m fairly certain a history of being tried in court because you’re a trigger happy murderer also likely disqualifies you from joining the armed forces. That’s too much of a ticking pipe bomb even for them.
The murder happened in August of 2020 and this says the test was taken in January 2020. This is seven months before then so I don’t think that played a role.
It does show he wanted to join the military, presumably because he had a fascination with killing people. Maybe being rejected directly led to him finding a way to kill someone without joining the military.
If only we had a real judge instead of that partisan hack, the evidence that it was pre-meditated for him to put himself into a position where he’d be forced to “defend himself” is too overwhelming
Oh shit you’re right, I didn’t check dates. That’s actually crazy, he actually is just clinically imbecilic then.
You get a certain amount just for filling out your name correctly.
When I took the asvab (decided not to join) another person was with me it was his 3rd time taking it and he failed again.
Seriously? I took it, thinking it would be good practice for SAT. It was not. I know they’re looking for a different demographic, but it was soooo mucheasier
Yeah, I was done at least 30 mins before him. The recruiter was all excited talking about all my options. I didn’t even want to tell the poor guy my score 97( I think the scoring has changed since I took it but I believe it was out of 99 at the time). This was at the start of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Makes sense. There’s plenty of other reason to disqual someone
This email could be fake. There is zero verifiable evidence that Rittenhouse was permanently disqualified from serving because of a low ASVAB test score
Good thing to point out when people argue about this “Gun Discipline”
Is he gonna pay for the passport, flight ticket, housing, etc?
I’m partly Native American, I’d like to know…
Edit: Where am I going anyways?.. 🤔
Shit sign me up, long as we can go to one of those third world countries. You know the ones with free healthcare and a liveable wage.
Ah I see you like the idea of England then 🔥🔥 💯
Nah seriously though, if someone paid me off to GTF somewhere warm and slightly less comfortable, i’d be all over that like a cheap suit.
The kid couldn’t even finish middle school. Don’t worry about it.
One of my grandmothers told me that if you know how you came from her, even if you only have a drop of her blood left in you
You are Lakota.
I think that applies for all the Native People of the Americas.
I’m part Cherokee and part Chocktaw. The first book I read was a survival manual, at age 5. I’m soon to be 42, not like it matters.
I hope that Cherokee, Chocktaw, Lakota, and other tribes of Native Americans can generally agree these days, the government is fucked up…
I’m pretty sure most people other than those in government or corporations can agree the government is fucked up
Could be a lot worse but yeah it is often very disappointing.
Your link isn’t loading for me.
You don’t even need to be a tribe member to understand how it’s fucked up.
Indeed, the government is fucked up towards way more groups than that.
I’m not even a tribe member, from my understanding of my family heritage, I’m only about 23% Native American, which doesn’t qualify me to live on a reservation.
But I have enough Native American in my blood to be interested and keep up with matters that affect Native Americans, of any tribe.
I hear ya. I have family that has blood and could take advantage of it but they don’t.
I don’t even think of it as a one group vs another. It’s fucked up in many ways for many people. There plenty of fuckary spread around.
If the British government is any example, it’d be Rwanda.
If it’s up to them, I’d assume it’d be to what they think your home country is, India.
Oh shit, I totally see what you did there.
Just take my upvote 👍
I’d do a tradesies and go live in one of those commie European countries with universal healthcare and education
This stupid fuck doesnt deserve any more attention
Infamous stupid hick says hateful, willfully ignorant rage bait. Middle school was too much for this fucking mental invalid. He may never see prison for what he’s done, but he’s trapped in that idiot mind and will never know greater awareness, just like he deserves.
So… you’re saying he will be a future Republican President. Great…
There are times those of us who aren’t total psychopaths are also a bit too lenient.
No, my thoughts come from a person who has no power to deliver proper punishment. From what I’ve read, it seems he’s viewed as a petulant, perpetually angry prick. People like that are never happy, even when they get what they want, they just look for something else to hate. He’s too uneducated and self centered to ever have proper introspection and growth. He’s fucking stuck like that. Barring actual justice, at least he’s trapped in that small mind.
Mine too comes from a place and person who does not have the power to deliver proper punishment, as an individual. Collectively, we do have a voice. We just have to use it correctly. Not just for this, for all things we view as evil. By speaking as one.
Oh? What do you perceive as the correct use of our voice in this specific instance?
Specific? Not much. We’re too late on this one. What we can do is stop bickering and slap fighting in a corner and come together to help ensure people like this are held accountable more often. It’s a road we need to walk, not a single instance or single situation that will help solve the larger systemic issues.
and will never know greater awareness, just like he deserves.
You say he deserves blissfull ignorance.
No. He deserves a minute inside the Absolute Perspective Vortex.
He deserves 15 to Life in a Supermax.
To torment him with the realization?
Yes. The opposite of blissful ignorance is painful maximal understanding, right? Maybe he should be gifted a “Blessing of Unfathomable Empathy” by a great and powerful witch instead.
Whichever is easiest. Or more painful emotionally.
Could said witch perhaps try her luck on any of the GOP usual suspects and make them less ghoulish? Where would one even start?
How do you think they got this way?
Empathy could be useful.
He could still turn his life around if he had empathy.
From what I understand he’s damn sure ignorant, but never blissful. Like I said, a stupid hick.
Billionaire media money machine goes brrrrrr
I gotta wonder if there’s one of those internet laws like “The dumber the opinion, the more attention it gets”
Ha - I’m not sure there is! There’s still time to give it a name - perhaps Rittenhouse’s Lowest Common Denominator: “the dumber the opinion, the more attention it gets.” Feel free to disregard, improve, or workshop that.
The Rittenhouse Ratio.
Yes - that’s excellent.
More dumb normalizes the regular dumb.
I have no idea who the fuck he is
A murderer that got away with it
Not Daniel Perry, though. The other one.