For example, I was doing research for a blog article and found a paper by a guy named Christian Messenger. That man was definitely destined for missionary work, but the paper was about football.
I knew a guy who is called Gerard Menfroy. This is pronounced exactly the same as « J’ai rarement froid » in French, which means « I rarely feel cold ». He was Heating engineer.
There’s a name for that; nominative determinism
I had to look up so.e examples using that, some of these are great!
Like Yo-Yo Ma, who goes back and forth on strings.
I used to work in a call center and had a notably irate customer named Mrs. Bitschy. I tried pronouncing it like “Beeshy”, and she immediately snapped “It’s Bitchy! Got a problem with that!?” Oof.
It can’t be real.
My husband’s vasectomy was performed by Dr. Wiener.
Was his first name Xavier? Dr. X Wiener?
Lol, that would be sweet. He apparently did not have a good sense of humor. My husband is an identical twin, and his brother got a vasectomy from Dr. Wiener a week prior. So my husband walks in and says “Don’t worry doc, you didn’t screw up, I’m just the twin.” The doctor barely looked up from his notes and said “I know.”
Up until a few years ago there was a local urologist named Richard Chop, and Dr. Peter Ruff is still seeing clients. Nominative determinism is a thing.
The pilot on my plane a few years back was named Max Power
It’s the name you love to say.
I didn’t know that reference but this makes is so much better!
Did you arrive in record time?
But backwards?
I bet he got it from the hair dryer.
If my pilots name was Max Power we could be flying upside down and I’d still trust him.
My japanese pilot was named Toga.
Did he sing this when the plane is ready to accelerate?
I think he retired during Covid, but a nearby lasik clinic was run by Dr. Biglaiser. I don’t see how that could have been his real name.
You can emberd images by using

The text version of my comment is below. Isn’t this exactly what I did?
You shared a link to it, you didn’t embed it. Which meant I had to click the link to see the image, rather than it just being in the comment. Like this
Weird, when I view it the picture is already there, I don’t have to click anything. I’m guessing it’s a federation thing since we’re from different instances. Does the ! at the beginning embed it for all instances instead of just my home instance? Like, is this one embedded for you?
Yes, you need to include the ! at the beginning
I learned something today!
There was a trial against members of the NSU, a German extremist-right terrorist organisation, a few years ago and the lawyers representing them were named Sturm (storm), Heer (army) and Stahl (steel). In combination they sound like something a Nazi came up with to make them sound powerful and strong.
I remember reading about a military guy, Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster. I have no idea what he actually does (or did; guy’s probably retired by now) but if he hasn’t at least spent some time teaching martial arts he’s doing it wrong.
Edit: apparently he’s a computer technician and that’s even better somehow.
Maybe he’s big in Mortal Combat?
This is gonna sound fake, but I knew a butcher named Butch Pig. He was Butch before he was a butcher
And soon he will become butchest.
Gay Hitler. Worst part is he was born before those were offensive names or terms but lived long enough for them to get there meaning. Wasn’t even meant to have the last name Hitler, It was a misspelling of Hiddler or something like that.
Accidental Hitler. Ouch.
11 hours in and no Usain Bolt???
There was a racing driver named Scott Speed. Unfortunately he’s got no speed.
That’s OK we still have Usain Bolt.
There is a doctor near us named Dr. Owi.