I’ve seen some friends that keep their places like caves; all curtains and blinds closed with maybe some lights on. Some even going so far as to put up foil and completely blocking out light. I like having blinds and curtains open with maybe just a sheer curtain to diffuse the light but I enjoy it being bright. So how do you like your space lit with natural light?
One of the things that sold me on my current place was the abundant south and west facing windows, meaning lots of natural light (northern hemisphere), especially in the evenings. It drives me absolutely nuts when I visit people who live in dark caves. I did finally get some heavier curtains for my bedroom since summer days can be pretty long and the limited darkness was impacting my sleep. I get wanting to avoid direct sunlight, and that you might want heavy curtains available some times, but I literally get depressed without lots of natural light and the whole day/night cycle.
We need sunlight on our skin to generate vitamin D. If you don’t get enough vitamin D you will feel like shit. Not to mention the insiduous psychological effects.
In short, more and bigger windows are the way forward. Go outside in the wilderness, it feels good.
Depends on what’s outside my home.
Thus far in life I’ve only been able to afford living in cities, so the blinds stay closed 24/7
It’s funny how much people differ. I live in a city and feel much more comfortable having my curtains wide open than when I lived in suburbia.