Will we know why had universe began, why there is something instead of nothing.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
- Douglas Adams
Towels be with us.
There is no reason, it’s just random shit causing random shit. If random shit happens on the universes timescales of billions and trillions of years then cool stuff is bound to happen eventually. There’s no rhyme or reason for it.
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Empirical observation can get you the what and the how, but I don’t think it will ever tell you the why. Who says there even is a why?
The difference between “how” and “why” doesn’t seem very meaningful to me. For example- why does water boil? It boils because molecules gain enough energy through heat to transition states.
In that same sense, OP’s question
why there is something instead of nothing.?
There’s a non zero chance that we eventually understand the mechanisms behind the big bang and can explain how nothing turned into something. Therefore we will be able to explain the why, no?
The problem with the question of why is that you can always ask why again. Say we do understand the mechanism of the big bang. You can still ask “why” about why things are that way. Which is why in my view that’s still more of a “how?” “Why” is more of a question for philosophers than scientists imo.
But is that not the same way with “how”?
How do objects fall to the ground? → the Earth exerts a gravitational force on them
How does Earth exert a gravitational force? → All objects with mass create a gravitational field that attracts other masses
How do objects create a gravitation field? → Mass warps spacetime and this curvature directs objects to follow paths towards the source of the mass
and so on, etc
Asking “why” only makes sense in the context of a conscious decision, unless you accept something like “because the Big Bang happened” as an answer.
It has been said here already but I will say it again, there is no why. Why is a human thing, perhaps an animal thing, at least it is connected to conscious thought. When it rains you do not ask why you can only research how. This is a difficult lesson, we live in a human culture and so feel comfort in being able to ask why people do things as well as how. Not having the why attribute for the physical universe feels cold and inhuman, but the universe is inhuman, even if it’s difficult that is the deal.
We’re quarks on an atom, caught in an explosion, wondering why we can’t see past when the fire started.
I don’t think we will.
But religions don’t offer a good answer, either. At least those that a know. “In the beginning was god” But why was there god? What was there before god? What created god? Ask that in church and you get stoned to death. Or kicked out. Either one of that.
I disagree, although it depends on where you are. Ask it in a theological faculty and it will be an everyday discussion.
I do not think we will. You can philosophize about it though but a scientific answer is unlikely.
The reason I think this is that I subscribe to the theory that the universe is the result of a black hole in another parallel universe. Black hole forms, eats matter and spews it back into a newly formed parallel universe, hence all the matter being present without us being able to explain how it came about. We call it the Big Bang. Likewise, we create new parallel universes with our black holes, the cycle continues. Always found it a neat explanation for it al.
But will we know ‘why’ our universe was created? No, we would need to look beyond the veil and that means going through a black hole and I do not see that happening anytime soon.
Problem with this theory is of course that matter keeps being flung around, what it the point of origin and will that deplete or be recycled?Fascinating stuff and this theory I talk about is most probably wrong as I also believe we are not capable of handling this query.
I have the same theory about white holes being big bangs but black holes are constantly taking in matter. Do small black holes produce the same level of parallel universe? Do super massive black holes produce bigger universes? Does it matter since the universe they spawn would also grow infinitely? Since the universe will experience heat death, does that mean each subsequent universe will have less and less matter until there’s a final black hole that forms?
I read an article about how there’s theoretically black holes older than the universe, which spawns even more fun questions.
Doubt it. The universe never cared, so there’s no real why.
I’ve sometimes thought, that if there is a purpose or reason for our universe, it’d make most sense to me that its some form of random number generator.
That said, I also accept that this whole thing, me as part of this universe, is just a happenstance. We happen. It happens. This happens. Now happens. Nothing more to it than that.
The happenings can be important to some, can echo, and harmonize, or create dissonance in the future, but fundamentally there is no guiding hand outside reaching in, and so what we make of this, and the actions we make, is just what happens on the skin of the here and now of this universe.
We don’t even know if there is a reason or not. If stuff like cause and effect are properties of the universe itself, they they don’t necessarily have to apply to it coming into existence (and if time and space are merely a part of the universe with no equivalent beyond, then the concept of it being caused by something runs into the issue of there being no time before it for a cause to occur and no place before it for that event to happen in).
There could be some equivalent of all those things of course, that the universe exists within, but we can’t just assume that.
If there was nothing there also wouldn’t be anyone asking “why is there something rather than nothing”. It’s the kind of question that can only be asked in a universe that exists. Then answer to “why?” would basically be that because an unlikely even occured. It could just as well have not, but it did and now you’re here.
How does the positrack rear end on a Plymouth work? Nobody knows, son.
It just does
So, in the beginning, there were no “boundaries” because that would imply something exist.
So if theres no boundaries, it means the “nothingness” is infinite.
So somewhere within this infinity, there would be a random event which causes the matter and antimatter to not cancel out completely.
Universe exist
Universe has random things happen
Solar system
Here we are
Edit: Non scientific, but, questioning existence is more of a philosophical question. Science probably would never answer it.
Yea, just like… do shit.