Microsoft bad. There I said it, so all the crazy Linux people won’t. You’re welcome!
I mostly play video games.
Microsoft bad. There I said it, so all the crazy Linux people won’t. You’re welcome!
I like this little known gem called Anthropocene by Samsa, I like the message of how even tho we fucked the planet up, we can still do stupid shit together.
Rarely. I barely have time to game, never mind do the other things like code or whatever. Had my gaming pc for only about a year though
Hooray, my investment was worth it then!!
Something new in the Avatar:TLA universe, could be any game/show/movie as long as it has the same writers as the original series. Korra was good but I need more damn it!
I like them, real-debrid works well for it
Connect and any half decent app as well
Well depends on what you mean by “scientific”. Do I think modern science is capable of seeing anything beyond the testable and observable? No way, so there is nothing to determine a “why” with science alone. If there is an answer to why the universe began, I believe you’d have to ask the Infinite Void and hope for a response. According to the big bang theory we all came from one place, i.e. one “thing” created the entire universe, so only that “thing” would know “why” we were created.
I recommend a debrid service and stremio+torrentio. No need to host your own stuff that way
But are they living alone in a bunker or something, someone knows who they are and they are gonna get caught 99/100 times.
In 20 years we will be shocked that we lived with all of the unnecessary fossil fuel usage while the world was slowly boiling. Oops, we fucked up the biosphere, guess we’ll just move to mars and eat fucking solar rays ffs.
I don’t think it’d be easy to hide your identity unless its already non-public. Even just a single photo could locate someone nowadays
If billionaires are literally dropping by the week, I think billionaires would actually be forced to do something about it, i.e. not be billionaires anymore or face the mystery “Billionaire Heart Attack” that’s been spreading.
LinuxRulez from torrminatorr. The more recent ones are more likely to be seeded.
Pipepipe is way better than Revanced. Never liked the official YouTube layout and you still get shitty ads or “recommended” videos.
If you think qbittorrent is impressive you should see someone streaming from Kodi or Stremio +Real-Debrid or some other debrid service. Its how streaming TV and movies should be.
You know, I’ve always liked the Avatar:TLA’s worldbuilding
Linuxrulez is nice, for ones that are still seeded at least. I have over 300 games that run perfectly on EndeavorOS and Lutris, wine is literally magic.
Well actually the distro I’m using, EndeavourOS, has its benefits… Here’s a link to my 1 hr rant on why you should switch from Arch link