Today I went to burger king for the first time in years. It was even worse than I remembered it. (had the vegetarian option, don’t know if it’s as bad with the meat burgers) Additionally it’s fucking expensive and not as quick as it used to be. So my question is why do some people go there regulary?
Honest question, have you tried other places that were not fast food (ie. Chilli’s) or cooking quick meals that didn’t work out for you? If so, what?
I always find it humorous that people treat places like Chili’s or Applebee’s as if they are somehow better than fast food in value for money.
I only do real fast food, or a more serious sit down restaurant of better quality. Not this overpriced garbage in between.
Oh for sure, fuck those places. I rather order from a small mom & pop restaurant than from some corpo chain. I just mentioned Chili’s because OP sounded like convenience was important and ordering from an app and just going to pick up seems universally convinient. I rather cook for myself, but when I feel lazy I treat myself at a restaurant, but then again I’m not the audience this post is targeting
A lot of areas don’t have other restaurants. It’s a sea of fast food that can only be driven to.
City is different, but before I had the savings to move, I u didn’t have much choice
I don’t really bother with the middle of the restaurant industry (and it’s not just me, as chains like Chili’s and Applebee’s have complained about the trends hollowing out the middle). It’s just not enough of an improvement over fast food or fast casual to be worth the higher cost, slower service, etc.
If I’m hungry and don’t want to cook/clean, I’ll grab fast food.
If I want to sit down at a full service restaurant, it’ll probably be an expensive trendy place with recognition from James Beard or Michelin.