natural fats are generally healthy and keeps you satisfied for longer and in a less crashy way as opposed to sugars/carbohydrates in general
I feel like I experience a reduced need to eat and snack when my food includes natural fats, especially when in combination with protein. To put it very simply, I’m persuaded the more healthy fats, the better, they should not be limited or demonized in the way that they have been maligned when sugar was the greater evil all along
Basically stay away from highly processed food as much as possible. Try to get as much variety as possible, and eat more fiber, protein and healthy fats than you think is enough. Also, add as many plant based products as possible and cut red meat to a minimum.
Red meat without fail, makes me feel like shit.
Cutting it out improved my wellbeing immediately.
Red meat drastically increased my well-being. I don’t think there’s a single diet that works for everyone and that’s okay.
Huge ++ to fibre and plants. The older I get the crankier I get when I’m missing out on one or the other.
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
- Michael Pollan
More fibre pleases the colon gods and makes my poops more better. Also keeps me feeling full for longer.
It’s delicious
It’s a vegetable
it has 10g of fiber / 100g
it has less salt than bread but you taste all of it since it is on the surface instead of inside
decent protein content
I use performance enhancing drugs, my nutrition is not your nutrition.
I track my macros, calories and micronutrients. I weigh EVERYTHING. A significant portion of my diet could be called “ultra-processed”, Most of the fat I eat is saturated. I also get blood tests every 3 months, and regularly check my blood pressure (120/80).
My diet would make most people go insane, but I understand nutritio and I’m chasing a goal.
I dunno about anyone else, but if I cut (but not entirely eliminate) a significant amount of fats from my diet, good or bad, my libido absolutely tanks. Yes, I lose weight faster, but it’s not even worth it to me if I can’t have a good time when I want to, so I don’t get too extreme in trying to reduce fats from my diet.
My conjecture is you don’t need to cut out fats, you should consider or try minimizing carbs and sugar and consequently try eating what you want provided you use
- small plates and serving containers so you are conscious of seconds and also not trying to finish an unnecessarily larger plate or bowl that encourages overconsumption
- replace with fats and proteins in that order to keep you full and energized
- stay on the borders of the grocery store in general because thats where the boring healthy stuff is
Naturally colorfull dishes, as long as it isn’t meat, are the best.
I knew they were all wrong to judge my purple ketchup Tyson nuggies with mountain dew demi-glace
Recipe please
If it tastes good it’s bad for me
If you can figure out what it contains by looking at it it’s probably good to eat. Basically the less it has been processed, the healthier it is. In general, nothing is inherently bad for you. Dose makes the poison. Things can be bad in excess.
It’s more complex than most people think. Higher protein tends to be good. Animal foods tend to be better than plants. Fruits tend to be better than vegetables. Fiber makes gut issues but also protects against excess sugar. Natural foods and processes tend to be better than artificial and highly processed. You can find success on a low carb or low fat diet but not a low protein diet.
Pretty sure fibre is usually a good thing for digestion, isn’t it?
No, common misconception. The more fiber you eat the worse your digestion and especially in people already having gut issues like IBS, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. The trend continues all the way down to zero fiber which minimizes digestion problems. I’ve tried it and it works.
I thought I knew stuff about nutrition, then I hired a professional and learned that lots of so called “healthier” or “better” foods were not so. I also learned not to think about food in terms of good or bad, food has no morals. It has been a great adventure to learn so much about how to take care of myself and feed me in the best way that I can each day.