The landlord has offered to cover it with cheap white paint, but that’s the best he can do
I’m pretty sure landlords paint by putting fireworks inside a can of paint, a la Mr bean. (skip to 2:43, I don’t know how to do that on mobile)
Someone ought to put a bug in their ear about this then
What I want to know is why did her landlord embed itself in her ear??
Free rent, or so they thought
Free rent, or so they thought
This is NOT what I thought people meant when they use the phrase “Living rent free in your head”
I had this happen to me a long time ago. I woke up hearing the thing scratching/chewing at my eardrum, and it’s extremely painful.
Cockroaches cannot walk backwards, so when in a confined space like that, they’ll naturally try to chew their way forward.
Advice, should this ever happen to anyone else, as long as you catch it early and don’t have a hole in your eardrum, is to pour rubbing alcohol in your ear, then of course go see a doctor.
Rubbing alcohol will like immediately kill the little demon, preventing any further chewing, but of course you’ll need to see a doctor to get it out.
I feel really bad for the woman though, sounds like she didn’t catch it early enough, as apparently more damages were done which prompted surgery. If you catch it early enough, it should be about as simple as killing it and removing it with tweezers.
Luckily I have absolutely no hearing loss after my experience, largely because I thought quick to kill it with rubbing alcohol.
I hope her landlord pays up, that’s really messed up.
Cockroaches are among my greatest fears. The fact that this has happened to multiple people is among the worst things I’ve ever learned.
Is this even that common in the UK?
That is horrific
Yeah, I wish I hadn’t clicked on this. And especially not read the long comment about the chewing the eardrum stuff.
her landlord probably wants charge her pet rent for it.
What a ridiculous lawsuit. The tenant should get $200 million and get to pull the rope that releases the landlord’s guillotine. Also, should get to flick the match that burns down the apartment complex.
I don’t fuck around with roaches.
I’ve never even seen a cockroach in the UK, I didn’t realise they were a thing here.