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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Kale has a naturally high pH, so it’s basically just an antacid.

    I have mild reflux, but know what triggers it after what time of day and can make easy diet adjustments to avoid those triggers too late before bed. For whatever reason, I never considered looking at the alkaline level of the foods I eat. In just doing so now, I see a whole bunch of my regular diet. Have I been unconscious choosing these to mitigate my reflux? I mean, I seek out these foods (that I now know are alkaline) because I like them, but do I like them more than just for their taste?

  • I understand why anime takes place in high school a lot, because its intended audience is high schoolers.

    That doesn’t match my understanding of why so much anime is depicted in high school. While, yes there is a lot of anime targeted at high schoolers, as it was explained to me is that high school is the last time in Japanese culture where your future is undefined on a path. As soon as you leave high school you’re into one specific education, vocation, or career path where deviation after choosing your path is rare or not social acceptable. High school period is the last place in Japanese culture where everyone is mostly equal and unbound by expections. Many of the stories follow the nature of change or growth. So this requires the point in character’s lives where you can tell it.

    Other story tropes used to transport older characters back to this time include:

    • body swap to a younger body or de-aging where social rules allow a person to change again
    • isekai, where the character is transported to another world (where the same rules of defined path don’t apply)
    • reincarnation, where the adult protagonist is reborn into the body of a child or teenager, again to place them in a point in society where change or freedom of choice of path is allowed

    Some of the above is just my speculation. Other portions is what I’ve learned from others. If this is wrong and other people here know definitively, please correct me. I don’t want to be spreading wrong information.

  • Jesus Christ give me strength.

    Ask him for perspective at the same time. You’re still missing lots of of it.

    This is going to go nowhere. Look do you accept certain individuals in the world are mistreated?

    As I have said multiple times already, yes.

    That we should ideally address every issue on an individual basis and try to fix the issue that is affected that person?

    Not in isolation, no.

    Now if it is a man should we ignore them?

    Keep your strawman. I’ve never said that.

    What you are saying is someone has it worse so I don’t want to hear it. You don’t get to complain, you don’t get help, you don’t get attention, you’re going to get ignored just because you are a man.

    More strawmen from you. I don’t know who you’re arguing with but its not me. I haven’t said any of those things.

    Some people have it worse than others yes. Some men have been on the receiving end of sexism more than some women. But if you are going to say women have more issues than men so men don’t get anything then that’s a horrible, sexist thing to say.

    Cool, because I’ve never said that. That’s more strawmen.

    Well who has it worst? Some kid starving in Sudan. Oh I don’t want to hear about how you had to get coffee, there are kids starving in Sudan we can only address one issue at a time and you come from a developed country with excess food. No. Be quiet until we fix the Sudan issue I don’t want to hear it.

    I’ve mentioned nothing but the USA. I’ve said this already. Your introduction of countries outside the USA is yet another strawman.

    Your kidney analogy is a terrible one. A better one would be that when deciding if Jim or John should get a kidney they looked back through the records and found in 1965 some guy called Jim got a kidney and some guy called John died. So now it’s Johns turn to get a kidney.

    I’m not talking about looking back in history for that analogy. I specifically mentioned both men were born at the same time (same age). John could have had kidney troubles because he lived near a coal plant for most of his life because thats the only real estate bank would let his parents buy (aka Redlining). So history affects what John is today, but you’re wanting to handwave away that Jim started live on 2nd base.

    That’s how sexism works, you group people and mistreat individuals rather than treating people as individuals.

    That’s part of how sexism works, but you’re missing the really key other parts.

    You seem to be trying to make out that I’m saying only men have issues and no one else does.

    Again, thats your strawman. I have multiple times recognized that men have issues.

    I’m not saying that I’m saying men ALSO have issues as well as other people, sometimes they are the same, sometimes they are different and they are humans too and they deserve attention, love and affection just like anyone else. But there are people like you in the world that don’t want to accept men have issues because you only want non-male issues addressing.

    Again with your strawman. I have said multiple times that men have issues, and that those issues should be addressed. However, they don’t get first dibs.

    The most sexism I have seen in the workforce has been on hiring policies. That before the job has even been posted people are looking for women. You might have some 21 year old guy straight out of university, he could have been in the feminists society for all we know, he and the 10 other guys won’t even have a chance at the job because 1 woman has applied and they job is reserved for her based on sex alone. That’s sexism and all sexism is bad. Young men are really struggling now in a way people don’t want to address. Especially working class uneducated men. But all, all, the attention is on women.

    Oh god, you’re full redpill aren’t you. Men have had it easy for hundreds of years compared to women. Only now that men are facing a small part of the difficulties that women are still facing, you’re calling it an injustice.

    I highly HIGHLY recommend you do some introspection. Learn some empathy for people that aren’t like you. You’re giving men a bad name. As a man myself, that negatively affects me too. Most of your arguments are with me. You’ve got so much strawman logic in your latest, I see no point in continuing. I won’t be replying anymore. I hope you have a nice day.

  • I think this is a good example of some of the issues men face. That their issues do not matter because others have it worse. And like you show it is always lost in the general grouping of things. “I do not care how badly you as an individual has been treated because the group you are part of hasn’t been as hard done by as another group. Therefore because you are part of that group your issues matter less”.

    Nope, thats not what I said nor what I meant.

    Here, I’m make it easier to understand. Lets say we have two 35 year old men: Jim and John. Two years ago Jim suffered kidney failure. He’s been struggling on dialysis all this time just to stay alive. Multiple times a week he has to sit attached to a machine for hours to filter his blood so it doesn’t kill him. It causes bruises on his body. He gets sick easier and stays sick longer. Its an existence, but its pretty miserable. Jim has been set back for years not able to hold a job because his illness has caused him to miss work. He’s been spending any spare money on medical bills or expenses related to his kidney failure. He has no savings.

    John has been active and healthy. He’s been able to focus his energy on his career. Its increased his income, and he owns a nice house. He has substantial retirements savings, and plenty of extra money in the bank. Now, up until yesterday John was was healthy. Today he was diagnosed with kidney failure. He has his first dialysis appointment 3 days from now. Later that day a donor kidney becomes available and its a match for both Jim and John. However, since there is only one kidney, it can only go to one of the men.

    You’re advocating that John, should get the kidney.

    There always seems to be thus weird idea present that because say women have had it worse in the past that things need to be evened out by men having it worse now.

    Nope, I’m not ignoring that men because they are facing these issues women have faced for years/decades/centuries. I’m saying that if we have resources to fix one of them, we should address the one that has been hurting longer.

    Bad things have happened in the past yes, that goes without saying. But short of a time machine it won’t ever be fixed

    Incorrect. We can’t fix sins of the past entirely, but we can certainly do whats possible today to make it right. In California, Bruce’s Beach is a good example of this. Institutional racism has had multi generational negative effects on wealth accumulation. Bruce’s Beach is a good step, but it doesn’t help the millions of people of color that have suffered because of practices like this including Redlining that even today results in lower wealth for people of color.

    but discrimination or issues in the present of any kind should be fixed.

    I’m glad you agree! Where is your action to helping women with all the issues you cited just started happening to men? Where is your advocacy to return balance to people of color that got shafted for decades? No, your urgency is laser focused on fixing the relatively recent problems men are experiencing.

    If we have limited resources for mitigation of issues, yes, men are in line for those resources too, but the lions share needs to address the greater and more urgent injuries.

    How am I, a man that has never been in a position of power anymore responsible for geopolitics than a women that hasn’t been in power? Taring me for being a man for crimes of other men isn’t right.

    Tell me about a time where you were in the workplace and saw a woman you work with be treated less than a man, and you stood up and said “that isn’t right”. What actions have you taken against domestic violence against women? You can’t continue to benefit from your position of power letting others being repressed, and claim no responsibility when you have benefited.

    But again you are passing the responsibility and making excuses. No one is denying men have done bad things. But accepting men have also being on the receiving end of bad things just for being men, or just in general, is important.

    “Yes yes, women have had it bad for years/decades/centuries, and it continues to be bad for them, but what about me?! Its just now started happening to me now, and NOW its a problem!” This is what your statement sounds like. If you continue to see people rolling their eyes when they hear your pleas this is why.

    This is the most kind of the misandry I see. Women doing something and then saying that because white men are in charge they are without fault?

    Citation please.

    The guys in power don’t have that much power, that don’t stop individuals mistreating other individuals.

    Listen, I really hope you’re on the younger side because that would excuse a huge chunk of your ignorance. You don’t need to be an elected official to be a “guy in power”. As a guy, you have power. Are you using it to help those that need it? You need to have some conversations with adult women in your life that are willing to be honest with you. Do you have an adult sister? Can you ask your mother? I don’t think you have a fucking clue how difficult it is to be a woman even today with all the improvements in law and social evolutionary change. I could cite statistics to you that even today women are paid less than men even for the same exact work, experience, education, and skill. I could tell you that girls tell each other when they’re going on a first date and where, so in case they don’t return the police can be called. I could tell you that in a room full of powerful men and a single powerful woman, the woman will be the one expected to “get coffee” or “take notes” while a man is never asked. Do I even need to point out that men are trying to decided if a woman has rights to her own body?

    Men face none of that. I’ve seen lots of this first hand. I know this. I’m a man.

  • The highest frequency I see of it is when issues are discarded when it is an issue with men. Be it homelessness,

    I wouldn’t discard the risks to men that are homeless, but I easily acknowledge that a homeless woman would likely be much more vulnerable.


    This one seems very equal to me. Its a usually a tragedy to lose someone of either gender. I’m not upset if a rapist or murderer commits suicide, however, irrespective of their gender.

    job inequality,

    I’m not following where this is a detriment to men. Statistically and my own anecdotal observation, women are much more negatively affected by job inequality.

    domestic violence

    I agree this one is frequently overlooked where men are the victims. Our society is evolving on this, but not fast enough.

    But not for women. It seems men are worthless in a lot of people’s eyes because they aren’t women.

    I can’t say I see that reflected in society. What I do see are some calling out specific issues (at least one you’ve raised above) as recently negatively affecting men, while the same issue has been negatively affecting women far worse and for far longer and that it had been ignored. It comes off as lack of self reflection and disingenuous where men have allowed women to suffer for years (decades? centuries?), but as soon as men are experiencing it too, its a crisis now!

    Or equally men are responsible for all the bad things in the world

    Certainly not all, but certainly lots and lots of bad things. Only 13 of the 193 UN member nations have ever had a woman leader of the nation. source I don’t see how anyone can say women are to blame for that, nor the policies those world leaders put into place.

    because simply they are men and men are responsible.

    Well, if men are in charge, then it would follow that they’re responsible for the outcomes, yes? I’m willing to give a woman a chance to lead. She certainly can’t be any worse that some of the worst men we’ve had as leaders.

    For example a common issue is when men say they open up to a woman and that women used that to attack them. Then someone might say this is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity in action and men need to sort it out. Even though the man has done absolutely nothing wrong only the woman. Deflecting any responsibly from women doing something they shouldn’t have.

    I don’t know what women you have in your life, but I have never experience this first hand with any of the women in my life.

    At least that is what I have seen mostly. But I’m more curious about others.

    I almost never see this kind of thing, even online. I don’t do reddit (anymore), facebook, or tiktok though, so maybe thats where its happening that I don’t see it?

  • Small talk is a skill like anything else. It must be practiced and honed. The easiest way to do this is just by being interested in what the person is saying. You don’t have to be funny or quippy. Just be curious about their life and you’ll find that most of small talk is just being able to go back and forth about a topic.

    Key here is that anyone can do small talk. You have to have ZERO knowledge about the subject matter. You can just ask questions. Anyone interested in a topic will usually be happy to answer them. This works on anything from sports to cooking to blacksmithing topics. The wonderful thing you find out is: PEOPLE ARE INTERESTING!

    Admit your ignorance on the subject and have them walk through explanations. Engage in the conversation by connecting it to any tangential knowledge you have on the subject.

    “Ocean kayaking? I’ve never done that. That sounds exhilarating. The closest thing I’ve ever done to that was a canoe on a river when I was 12. I’m sure its different but how different is it?”

    “How did you get into that hobby?”

    “Where in the world have you done it?”

    “Any close calls?”

    “How important is the right gear/boat?”

    “Where would you like to do that in the future?”

    See? Zero knowledge about ocean kayaking, but infinite conversation that the other person is engaged with you in. Congratulations you’re small talking!

  • Best advice I’ve heard is to form close ties and mutual aid agreements with your neighbors and friends.

    My neighbors are heavy GOP supporters. The single political sign I’ve ever put in my yard was to support the Pro Reproductive Freedom amendment ballot measure (pro choice amendment, which subsequently passed!). All of my neighbors had signs in their yard opposing it. I had a neighbor that lived a block away stop me while I was mowing my law asking me why I support a law that killed babies and turning kids trans. Nothing in the reproductive freedom amendment language has anything to do with anything trans.

  • Climate change is real. China feels like the only country treating it like its real. I see stories about a country investing heavily in renewable energy, in EVs, in energy storage, and i dont understand why theyre not getting unanimous applause.

    I think you may be misattributing China’s motives. Yes, China is heavily investing in EVs, batteries, and non-carbon energy generation (solar, wind, hydro). However they’re not doing it because of their deep desire to be green or concern over climate change. They’re doing it because China’s geography is energy poor in a very energy hungry nation. China has just a tiny fraction of fossil fuel sources located in their national borders. That’s a really bad position when your nation is dependent on other nations for the energy you need to grow your food and run your economy. This is why they’re maxed out on:

    In fact while the rest of the world is retiring coal for power generation, China is responsible for building 95% of the world’s new coal power plants.

    Other countries are mad because they’re doing better than them and want to drag them down to our gas SUV dependent level.

    Except they’re not doing better in reducing carbon emissions. Not only are they the largest global producer of CO2, they keep dramatically increasing carbon emissions year over year while the rest of the industrialized nations are plateauing or reducing (beside India).

    Other countries should feel nothing but shame for not treating climate change like its real.

    If we’re looking at just the numbers (which, I admit, is an incomplete conversation), China is the one that is not treating climate change as real.

  • This is one of the fascinating things I learned about all the nuclear testing the USA was doing in the 70s 80s and 90s. They weren’t trying to make bigger bombs (that was 50s and 60s) it was making the same nuclear material in the bomb more completely used. The more of the material use, the less fallout.

    For reference, the Hiroshima bomb used less than 2% of its fuel. Of its 64kg of uranium, only about 1kg actually split. The rest of the highly radioactive Uranium was just spread around by the explosion as fallout.

  • If you’re actually interested in affecting change, you’re going to need to do more than say “someone else should pay for it”. Even more if you’re saying “something I don’t support is getting money, and I want that money to go to the thing I support instead”. Unless you happen to be an authoritarian dictator where your will is law, you have to work within the system if you want change. So far I’m not seeing what you’re posting as a path that will become reality.

    If I’ve mistaken your intentions and you just want to have someone else solve the big problem without addressing any of the smaller problems that creates, then I supposed your work is done. Carry on.