Police brutality and false charges by Pinellas County Sheriff’s department at 16yrld.
The murder of my best friend 20 yrs later by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s department by withholding medical treatment, and then not contacting ANYONE until he had been in an unresponsive coma for FOUR FUCKING DAYS. He died of infection to his brain never waking up since falling into the coma in his cell, a booking/holding cell at that.
[edit] No one taken to task, no inquiry, no reprimands, no charges, no justice what-so-ever.
Police brutality and false charges by Pinellas County Sheriff’s department at 16yrld.
The murder of my best friend 20 yrs later by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s department by withholding medical treatment, and then not contacting ANYONE until he had been in an unresponsive coma for FOUR FUCKING DAYS. He died of infection to his brain never waking up since falling into the coma in his cell, a booking/holding cell at that.
[edit] No one taken to task, no inquiry, no reprimands, no charges, no justice what-so-ever.
I’ve had the cops lie about me too. Luckily my case wasn’t so severe. I’m really, really sorry to hear that happened.
He invented the word when we were kids “Alconomics” - Getting the most booze for your money. - Robs2 (so large he’s plural)
I hope you all steal it and use it.