Inspired by the very similar thread about school incidents.

  • Flying
    7 months ago

    This was actually after I left, although I have a million crazy stories about this place- but the guy who I used to work directly under was an alcoholic, and one day Monday he didn’t show up for work, wasn’t answering his phone, etc. This was pre-social media, so they couldn’t ask around or anything.

    He comes in a week later and it turned out that over the previous weekend, he had gotten drunk, driven from where we lived in Indiana down to Georgia for some reason (he had no connections in Georgia), went into a bar in some small town, got into a fight, and wound up in the slammer for a week.

    He was no longer employed after that. And this is a small business where every employee was so vital to the owner that I once got mad at him, screamed, “GO FUCK YOURSELF, [his name]!” and stormed out and went home and he called me up the next day, apologized and begged me to come back in with various compensation promises which I can’t remember. It took a lot to get fired from there, but that was enough.