• z00s@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Any of the original Indiana Jones films.

    They were storyboarded almost like a comic book. I once heard a University professor online talking about how you can watch any of the three original movies in black and white with no sound and still have a perfect understanding of the story; that’s how strong they are . If you ever want an entertaining evening, invite some friends over and do just that.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    So, here’s a weird anecdote: Me and my ex were watching The Lighthouse together online (long distance relationship). Neither of us had watched it before. Turns out for some reason, VLC was not able to decode the audio codec properly on my end - I only had some athmospheric parts of ambience and music, but most interestingly no voice at all. Up until the very end, I thought they just went extra-avant-guarde and emulated a silent film in addition to the monochrome aesthetics. Only after we talked about it and she told me something about some dialogue scenes I realised that there was actually supposed to be audible dialogue.

    Funnily enough, turns out it was still super enjoyable for me because I love artsy movies and surreal experiences, and I was able to piece together the plot and character interactions pretty accurately.

  • Nusm@yall.theatl.social
    4 months ago

    Mel Brooks’ Silent Movie. I guess you’ll miss the best bit in it though, where the only person who speaks is the mime Marcel Marceau.

  • Fondots@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Not exactly the same thing, but my wife and I saw Logan at a drive in theater when it came out

    Towards the end when he’s all fucked up and near death, the audio started doing all kinds of weird shit, cutting in and out, getting fuzzy and distorted, etc.

    We thought it was a pretty cool effect to show the sort of state he was in and we were all about it.

    Then we heard some crystal clear audio coming from the cars next to us, turns out it was just my car’s battery dying from running the radio.

    Still think it was a cool effect, would watch it again that way if it were an option.

    I’ve since picked up a battery powered radio for future drive-ins (we try to go at least once a year)