OP is talking about batteries and generators meaning a fixed installation, not a mobile one.
OP is talking about batteries and generators meaning a fixed installation, not a mobile one.
When the problems are local, not over long distances, it’s more important having a local connection.
For example, during Hurricane Katrina, police band radio was being broadcast over the internet. The most heartbreaking call I personally heard from the stadium was an officer begging “Does anyone know how to deliver a baby?”
Getting that message out over long distances did not help the situation. Getting it out locally DID.
Correct, because in order to communicate that information locally, you need a local connection.
How do you communicate to the outside world where the survivors are to direct supplies in? How do you communicate locally to tell everyone where and when to expect said supplies?
You can only reach someone locally if they also happen to have power, which as noted, is the problem scenario here.
If everyone around you is powerless, and you have power, it doesn’t really matter if you can transmit or not, nobody locally can hear you.
See my other comment, if the stated purpose is to help your community during a power outage or natural disaster, and you’re the only one in your community with power, it doesn’t do much good.
Calling Texas over HAM doesn’t help communicate and coordinate local efforts.
You can only communicate, locally, to other people who have power.
A CB radio lets you talk to anyone with a CB in their vehicle.
Yeah, but talking during a power outage or natural disaster means comnunicating locally.
If you’re trying to help the community, calling Texas isn’t much use. :(
So, yeah, you might have power, but if other local services don’t, you’ll be better able to communicate and organize via CB instead of HAM.
HAM radio will only get you so far as it depends on the other end also having power. A CB radio connected to your car would likely be of more use.
In that case, hot tub. False alarm? Still got a soak in the hot tub. :)
Nothing. Everyone is going to get the same alert and freak the fuck out, clogging all the roads, making it impossible to get to a shelter.
I have 2 choices:
Center of my cinderblock house and hope for the best.
Submerged in the hot tub and hope for the best.
Because major media is in NYC.
I just explained why Oregonians “go to the coast”, they don’t “go to the beach”.
Not necessarily a “time zone” thing, but more of a cultural thing.
From a media perspective, things are less important on the West Coast than the East Coast.
For example:
A storm knocks out power from British Columbia to Northern California. You’ll likely never hear about it unless you’re local.
If it’s slightly colder than normal in New York City? Suddenly National News.
Vader’s argument with Leia goes out the window if he literally watches them fly away with the Death Star Plans.
Same with the argument on the Death Star when he chokes the guy out… “Bitch, I was in the same hallway with them, I just… didn’t grab them… for… reasons.”
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Absolute incompetence start to finish. Low IQ fans go “Woooo! Vader’s a BADASS!” ignoring how it completely fucks up the opening of Star Wars.
Not talking about this question, I’m answering the question. :)
Don’t rely on anyone else for help, if you get in a jam, figure out how to resolve it on your own.
Family dinner demanding to know why we aren’t out lynching CEOs.
Swedish Chef as the innkeeper…
Mester ouff zee-a huouse-a,
duleeng ouout zee-a cherm
Reedy vit a huondsheke-a und un oupee-a pelm
Tells a suocy tele-a,
mekes a leettle-a stur
Cuostumers ippreceete-a a bun-fifeuor
Gled tu du a friend a fefur
Duesn’t cust me-a tu be-a nice-a
Buot nuzeeng gets yuou nuzeeng
Iferyzeeng hes gut a leettle-a price-a!
Mester ouff zee-a huouse-a,
keeper ouff zee-a zuo
Reedy tu releefe-a ‘im ouff a suou our tvu Vetering zee-a vine-a, mekeeng up zee-a veeght
Pickeen’ up zeeur knick-knecks vhee-a zeey cuon’t see-a streeght
Iferybudy lufes a luondlurd
Iferybudy’s busum friend
I du vhetefer pleeses
Jesuos! Vun’t I bleed 'im in zee-a ind!
Bork Bork Bork!
It CAN be, but OP is talking about batteries and generators, meaning a fixed installation and not a mobile one.