I’m a foreigner. But I’d still like to know.

  • SupraMario@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Economy is not doing well for the people, the rich yea…but not the rest of us. This is a straight ass lie that’s being driven by the media who are controlled by the rich. Wages are stagnant, buying power is at a low, housing and rent is unaffordable to 1/3rd of the county, tons of people living paycheck to paycheck and births are down in part because people lack money to actually pay to raise a child. So no economy looks great for the rich, while the rest of us are struggling.

    • kescusay@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      This is partially true. The rich have definitely benefited more than everyone else. But the actual statistics don’t lie… Wages are not actually stagnant, they’ve been ticking upward, and it’s finally happening faster than inflation. It’s not helping everyone, of course, but it’s not all doom and gloom, either. And inflation really is down - importantly, lower than the global average by quite a bit.

      I’m not going to argue that everything is going perfectly, because it’s clearly not. For one thing, everything that can get passed in the House has to overcome Republican obstruction right now, only to face Republican obstruction in the Senate, too. We have a half-&-half government where one half is sociopathic, and that’s not amazing. In fact, while some economic indicators are good, the whole thing does appear pretty fragile.

      Which is kinda the thesis of my original comment.