Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?
Because good times create weak people. Weak people create difficult times. Difficult times create good people. Good people create good times.
I think we’re ushering into the era of weak people creating difficult times, after having good times for a while.
Edit/extra commentary: What I mean to say is, in America at least, we’ve elected people who are weak in character, to represent us. Money seems to matter to the people making decisions more than anything else. That in turn creates a difficult time for the people of the society that elected them. I think in a world consumed with money, fame and superficial things like that, people of good character stand out.
But what made me gay?
Should I call you mistah?
We need more violent good guys
Everytime we talk about violence being the only way to create change, limp-dick liberals bitch about how peaceful protests are the only way.
Liberalism helped build this hell, and it’s determined to maintain it.
Leftist need to get guns. Now.
So the republicans were right all this time? Wow
Evil winning?
The fuck are you on about?
Define this evil for the world to see