I think for me it’s alien: covenant. I was really interested in the ideas explored in prometheus and covenant just expanded on them. I don’t get much into the details of why it is or isn’t a good movie.
Luckily, though, HBO ran raised by wolves which really delved into ideals about AI and planet seeding etc. So that itch got way scratched even if the run was cut short.
Tron: Legacy
Also Ready Player One. I like the movie where the person go into the computer :)
Even Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace?
I didn’t know they made a sequel
Now I’m scared
That’s one where I really think they missed the mark compared to the book. I thought the book was really well done, and had a great premise. Idk the movie just left a sour taste in my mouth. I highly recommend reading/listening to the book
I saw somewhere on reddit recently calling the book worse than the movie. I liked the book only because I got to envision my version of all the nostalgic iconography. I’m not sure why reddit was hating.
Reddit is full of idiots who don’t have opinions and just jump on the bandwagon
I’m glad that you enjoyed it, but listening to the audiobook was one of the most aggravating reading experiences I’ve had. There were cool bits, but every chapter or two my eyes would glaze over for a minute as Wil Wheaton read off a list of things from the 80’s for a paragraph or two, interrupting whatever flow the book had going on at the time to cram ‘memberberries down my throat. I prefer the movie because I can look at the ‘memberberry references without them interrupting the other cool bits.
Okay that’s fair lol, I didn’t know wil read it. I listened to him in Third Eye and he got… Annoying
Lol, I really like premise too. It can be done better, tho.
That’s why I support all sorts of sci-fi that is complete garbage. I want the genre to thrive and if we stop showing up Hollywood stops giving money.
Have I got an MST3K for you then… Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
It’s a work of art.
A simple tropey story to hang some amazing visual and aural art off.
I watch it often.
Give me the soundtrack, that’s all I need.
Love it. Sad Daft Punk may not release anymore music.
I still hope that Disney throws a small fortune at them for the Tron 3 OST
Last thing I heard was that the soundtrack is being made by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. It’s the next best thing, if you ask me.
Yeah, sad about Daft Punk but this is the next best option I could think of
I think one of them is going deaf sadly
Wait, people dislike Tron? I had no idea