I really hope you can open up to someone about your home life. Someone you can trust. I don’t know what faith you have, but maybe the pastor, preacher etc. could be a person of trust? I know that in my home country they are obligated to keep your confessions private under any circumstances. Or maybe there’s an institution for victims of domestic violence nearby? I know this may sound frightning at first or you might feel ashamed for one reason or another. But I hope you can take this step to get some outside help for your situation. You deserve to be safe. You deserve to be happy.
I really hope you can open up to someone about your home life. Someone you can trust. I don’t know what faith you have, but maybe the pastor, preacher etc. could be a person of trust? I know that in my home country they are obligated to keep your confessions private under any circumstances. Or maybe there’s an institution for victims of domestic violence nearby? I know this may sound frightning at first or you might feel ashamed for one reason or another. But I hope you can take this step to get some outside help for your situation. You deserve to be safe. You deserve to be happy.