To the people reporting this: Yes, it’s a prank by the governor. But he really did so it, even as a prank, and the news covered it. So the story can stay.
There has also been no word on if the state of Indiana was consulted.
Glad to see the reporter having some fun with this.
No mention of Ohio. Like it should be.
The proclamation has been forwarded to Google to ensure the world’s maps reflect this momentous change
In all seriousness, language and word choice are a very big part of propaganda and influence. It’s not an accident that we are discussing “death tax” instead of “inheritance tax”, or that you see reports of “looters” vs “survivors/scavengers”.
And South Dakota has declared North Dakota to be North South Dakota
In response, North Dakota has challenged South Dakota to a duel. If North Dakota wins, both states will be combined into The state of ‘Dakota’.
If North Dakota wins, both states will be combined into The state of ‘North Dakota’.
And Nebraska will be renamed South Dakota. Then the process repeats. Until the entire earth is Dakota.
We the Australians shall invade the USA and reclaim it for the crown. Hencforth it shall be known as “New Australia”.
I quite like the name “Kraft VegemiteTM presents New Australia”.
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You could just call it New Australia anyway. Double up and change your maps. Apparently nothing stops you
Nah get the Dutch to retake it and rechristen us as Niewe Amsterdam. I want my coffeeshop weed.
New New South Wales.
UK declares US to be called “United Colonies”
The Atlantic ocean is now “the moat”.
“The Pacific” is now “NordVPN Presents: The Pacific”
Absolutely top notch bit of trolling.
Idaho is now YOUdaho