Yea, I’m not super young but definitely not old, but this makes probably the 15th or 16th time I’ve dealt with such incidences. If people were more likely to be vocal about it and reprimand their behavior publicly, I’d feel safer. But no one ever has. And many of those incidences have involved stated death threats. This doesn’t include aggressions when I’m in a group of peers either. Of course when I’m with them, they all have my back. But alone? Nah.
I wish i could say this was all just my time in the bible belt, but this has happened in large, blue cities where I’d hoped I’d have more community support. This last incident was one of those cities.
Thanks for all the responses! It is a lame feeling as I do see it from others side (those that aren’t being potentially violent assholes), but the cost of any one person having serious intent is too high now, especially since i’ve never had anyone say anything against the asshole’s behavior.
With that said, having a camera has taken the edge off for me so I don’t feel as confrontational, and I can just post them on the neighborhood app after walking away. But on the flip side, I now live in middle america…