Cats will drink cow’s milk, and then shit catastrophically everywhere within nine feet of the sand box except in the sand box. Kittens drink mama cat’s milk, then when weaned no more milk ever.
Little snake eyed bean toed fluff cheeked lactose intolerating quadrupeds.
My cat loves mozzarella cheese. It’s the one human food she begs for. She’ll turn up amd wait around while I’m making chicken soup because she knows she’ll get a morsel or two of boiled chicken, but she won’t cry at me. She cries for mozzarella when I’m making a pizza.
If she gets her snout around any cheese I’ll be washing the ceiling.
Biologically it’s extremely weird to drink another animals milk. No other mammal does that.
Cats will do it? Or you mean no other animal goes to get it? Because livestock will deffo grab a boob even if it’s not mom’s.
But it’s not industrialized by other mammals would be absolutely true.
Cats will drink cow’s milk, and then shit catastrophically everywhere within nine feet of the sand box except in the sand box. Kittens drink mama cat’s milk, then when weaned no more milk ever.
Little snake eyed bean toed fluff cheeked lactose intolerating quadrupeds.
This is the most hilariously written PSA against the whole “cats and a saucer of milk” trope holy crap LOL.
I don’t know where that nonsense started but it’s definitely not beneficial to the
My cat loves mozzarella cheese. It’s the one human food she begs for. She’ll turn up amd wait around while I’m making chicken soup because she knows she’ll get a morsel or two of boiled chicken, but she won’t cry at me. She cries for mozzarella when I’m making a pizza.
If she gets her snout around any cheese I’ll be washing the ceiling.
No other animal does what we’re doing here either. Weird isn’t necessarily bad