Baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta, yogurt, steamed veggies, lots of rice dishes, pulled pork, chicken, venison, Thanksgiving turkey breast when it’s just the 3 of us
It’s extremely helpful when I forget to thaw meat for dinner (which is more often than not)
There is a trick to the pasta, but it saves me from panic dashing into the kitchen when the pot boils over because I forgot to check it
I cook most of our meals in it. We even have 2 so I can cook the meat separately since I’m vegetarian
But wait! There’s more! (not really, I just know I sound like an infomercial)
Baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta, yogurt, steamed veggies, lots of rice dishes, pulled pork, chicken, venison, Thanksgiving turkey breast when it’s just the 3 of us
It’s extremely helpful when I forget to thaw meat for dinner (which is more often than not)
There is a trick to the pasta, but it saves me from panic dashing into the kitchen when the pot boils over because I forgot to check it
I cook most of our meals in it. We even have 2 so I can cook the meat separately since I’m vegetarian
But wait! There’s more! (not really, I just know I sound like an infomercial)