This ability of the sorcerer will wipe any one song of your choosing from the pages of history, as if it never existed! Gone from our reality. They were going to do it anyway, but they’re making you choose.
Which song would you pick?
(If you really can’t narrow it down to one, then try narrowing to three)
~picture credit goes to zenart07 , DeviantArt~
welp say goodbye to all rock music then. no more led zeppelin. james brown is gone too from the funk side. actually quite a lot of genres are gone now because of this wish. thanks a lot
By that logic all music would be gone. The origin of rap would clearly be when it deviates from jazz, rock, etc. to become its own genre. Though like country music, rap was ruined when capitalism got its penis into it, so sometime after Will Smith and before Kanye.
capitalism has its penis in every music genre not just country or rap
I usually use those two genres as they are very similar in that they were both music genres for the working class and historically underrepresented until capitalism saw the money and ruined them about the same time. And the typical audiences for each genre are often stoked into hating each other’s music, and by extension hating each other.