Just out of morbid curiosity. Do you sit or stand up to wipe, maybe even both?

  • @[email protected]
    309 months ago

    I bet OP saw the same conversation I did on here earlier. I’m a sitting person, but the first time I learned about standers it blew my mind.

  • Lvxferre
    99 months ago

    Neither. Wiping is a waste of potential ammunition that I could use against my enemies.
    Monkeys flinging poop. Relevant note: the avatar of the user sending this message shows a smoking chimp.

    (I sit.)

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    I’m standing, that’s the way I always wiped, maybe I was taught to do it this way, but now I’m a big man and I think it would be messy now to write while sitting like my hands wouldn’t fit, we need to research this further, maybe it’s geographical thing, specific to a country, their toilet sizes and it’s history or something

  • all-knight-party
    39 months ago

    In a public stall I’ll sit. At home I crouch on the toilet bowl like a bird, makes pooping very easy, and you get the least amount of poop contacting your cheeks

        • Drusas
          29 months ago

          I saw signs like that in Japan at Chinese establishments. Also ones showing that you face away from the toilet while sitting on it.

          Blew my mind.

      • all-knight-party
        29 months ago

        Yes, but rotated a few degrees to the right. I just feel like, if you had to shit in nature, you’d obviously do this, I’m not above the ergonomics of that.

        I’m also lightweight, and I wouldn’t do it in public because shoes on a seat is fuckin gross, also people would notice that in stalls, also you’d have to remove your pants entirely to not be fuckin gross, and I wouldn’t put excess weight on other people’s toilets

  • flicker
    29 months ago

    I think that this is a question for men. Catch a woman with period poops and I will bet money she never stands.