Scottish loon sometimes in Caithness, usually in Edinburgh. Likes rugby, F1, reading, cooking, and irn bru

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Undoubtedly the SNP are in trouble this election. Because MPs in Scotland really don’t matter. Whatever England decides, we get. Because of devolution the role of an MP is almost nothing too. Do ya think any MP can do anything about HMG foreign policy? Do you think Labour will grant Holyrood an independence referendum even if all MPs are SNP? It is an almost hopeless scenario for independence in Scotland at the moment, having been denied any democratic route. Turn out to be lowest in Scotland I’ll bet, which will appear then like a swing to Labour, but I bet it almost exactly corresponds with SNP voters not turning out this election instead

    And this is a real shame, as the SNP have shown themselves to be the real opposition in the commons on many occasions. Labour and the Tories share almost all key policies.

  • If we are on the brink of ww3, which I doubt, then Ukraine is the first casualty it appears. The parallels are easy to draw, but hard to back up certainly as the specifics do differ. But those not aligned will increasingly find themselves subject to pulls in either sphere of influence, which is my main point. Ultimately you could argue this all is a failure of foreign policy for a few governments with Russia being emboldened to invade. Which you could also say of both previous world wars too. To dismiss the comparison is to dismiss history, and those who fail to learn from history…

  • Going to call nonsense on the headline: NATO is intact, and Putin wouldn’t dare invade a nato country.

    Trump it’s the caveat, but even in that event France and the UK have a nuclear umbrella, and there is a shit load of troops. A war with NATO is unwinnable for Russia for certain.

    Ukraine danced with the neutrality devil and lost, just as Belgium on WW1 did, and the NL of WW2. Any country now adjacent to Russia and not in NATO has a choice: risk the neutrality game or side with NATO. I know which I’d be picking.