Children are potential workers, soldiers and slaves. Some cannot love them, especially not those of others, because to love them is to love a worker, a soldier, a slave, a thing that is necessary, a disposable thing, a means to an end, not a thing to cherish.
For people for whom means to ends are all they can conceive of, that is all other people are. And children are easily moulded into whatever the means require in both form and thinking. Adults less so. Thus they want, they need more children. Children for the machine. Means to all ends.
Now, this is a gross generalisation because there are plenty of people of all walks of life and political leaning who can and do love their own children, and these children receive, appreciate and reciprocate that love.
But the differences start showing up when you start to bring other people’s children into the mix. Especially those of strangers. Those from groups outside of their own.
Those on the right will see this as a fault in people on the left and vice versa. But it seems to me to be people who take on right-wing leanings who have fewer qualms about treating people as commodities.
When people with leftward leanings find themselves doing it, they tend to try to even out the pain across everyone that might be affected rather than concentrating it on one specific group of people. Some of this therefore lands on rightward leaning people who think that they’re being singled out. They’re not, but they are the only ones not used to it.
I kind of wandered off the point there, but yeah. Kids. Kids are malleable, and you can build armies with them. That’s why.
Children are potential workers, soldiers and slaves. Some cannot love them, especially not those of others, because to love them is to love a worker, a soldier, a slave, a thing that is necessary, a disposable thing, a means to an end, not a thing to cherish.
For people for whom means to ends are all they can conceive of, that is all other people are. And children are easily moulded into whatever the means require in both form and thinking. Adults less so. Thus they want, they need more children. Children for the machine. Means to all ends.
Now, this is a gross generalisation because there are plenty of people of all walks of life and political leaning who can and do love their own children, and these children receive, appreciate and reciprocate that love.
But the differences start showing up when you start to bring other people’s children into the mix. Especially those of strangers. Those from groups outside of their own.
Those on the right will see this as a fault in people on the left and vice versa. But it seems to me to be people who take on right-wing leanings who have fewer qualms about treating people as commodities.
When people with leftward leanings find themselves doing it, they tend to try to even out the pain across everyone that might be affected rather than concentrating it on one specific group of people. Some of this therefore lands on rightward leaning people who think that they’re being singled out. They’re not, but they are the only ones not used to it.
I kind of wandered off the point there, but yeah. Kids. Kids are malleable, and you can build armies with them. That’s why.