How is your part of the world doing (both current and future prospects) compared to how it was 30/40 years ago? Please say where you are in the world.

Edit- Thank you everyone for commenting. It has been very interesting for me and hopefully for others. If you are just coming to this post please still comment I am still reading them.

    11 months ago

    It’s hard to say where the country is headed, but unfortunately a big part of the population seems to believe the Kremlin politicians and that communism will somehow magically fix the country and remove inflation and that somehow we’ll be better off without NATO, which according to them forced us to give all or military equipment to Ukraine (ignoring the fact that literally all the military equipment Bulgaria has given to Ukraine is USSR era stuff that won’t stand a chance against modern militaries, that NATO conveniently protects it’s from)… That being said the kremlins haven’t won the elections yet, so we’ll see what happens in the future…