I have a question for lemmy since it’s comprised of mostly extremely intelligent linux users.

I am poor and supposedly have a particular mental health issue according to many doctors.

I was previously on disability and started working and when I did, I was hit with a huge amount of back taxes and penalties and fees and I was unable to save up anything.

Something bad happened this past year and as a result of this stress and constant ongoing extreme financial stress, I am now having some symptoms. I also work remotely and can’t afford to work remotely because of the aggressive tax collection, since housing and utilities are needed for remote work. If the tax collectors had left me with more money to pay for basic bills and medical care, I probably could have kept working, but the agent handling my case is uncompromising and doesn’t care if I don’t have enough money for medical care. I also make just barely too much at my job to qualify for need-based aid with my situation, which all follow government guidelines that don’t take into account government withholdings. I am not yet evicted, but on track for that and am behind on many bills including rent.

My symptoms now are pretty bad and I have to make plans to reduce expenses and go back on disability. I am having problems working on some days, even when I want to, due to extreme depression, which may have ended up happening even without the tax collectors extreme tactics. I have an offer of some financial help by a family member who on rare occasion was physically and emotionally abusive, but it may involved staying nearby. I probably would not speak with this person at all but for my poverty.

I am also afraid if I accept this help and have this family member in my life, they will somehow become involved in my disability care and be controlling or demanding conservatorship power. I have no records of the extraordinarily infrequent physical abuse, nor do I wish to disclose that in a clinical setting with possibly religious prejudiced zealot clincians who already dislike me, nor would I likely be believed. This person is also old and likely to die within 5 years if not within a year and on some level I feel guilty about not seeing them, but also feel like having this person in my life would show a lack of self-respect.

If I do anything right now to ruin my credit score, I may be stuck where I am, in a higher cost area that I can’t easily afford with only mild job security and no savings, which is precarious.

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.de
    4 months ago

    I think you need a lawyer and/or someone to check your finances. All the things with the back taxes, penalties and fees don’t sound right, someone needs to do the maths on that and see if you get ripped off. Or if you should somehow change tactics. Do you have any other friends or family in your life? Or some intelligent people to ask who to ask? I guess sometimes there also is some help groups for disabled people / people with depression available. Or organizations/charities who can help, ether with finances or interacting with the government, hopefully pro bono.