@nostupidquestions Why do people like crt shaders in the retroarch community. There’s so many videos about it. Is it a product of their time or are non-crt experiencers doing it?
Maybe it’s a way for their smoothening upscaling shaders to look more pixelated and retro?
Either you are doing the shaders wrong and messing up the image, or you may need to have your vision checked…the CRT images are vastly superior to the non-crt ones. There really just isn’t any other possible take on this, I’m sorry.
people can disagree on what they like better?
I disagree, and the second image (which is reversed vs the others) doesn’t look any better. It’s just as bad in it’s own way.
Its objectively more sharp
You’re absolutely right. I think everyone in this thread has glaucoma or something.
Shit, I better see a Doc. If only I could, but I have glaucoma or something.