Pretty much in the title, the only time I interact with the windows key in its standard operating condition is getting pissed off that the start menu opened. I use it in other capacities such as taking screen shots and other key commands but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.
Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.
Edit: I am more curious if anyone actually gets utility out of its default behavior (opening the start menu). I am aware that it is used in a number of key commands (although some are new to me).
Whether you use Windows or Linux, the Windows key is the foundation of many useful keyboard shortcuts. You know, hold it down plus some other key.
Whatever your preferred OS, look them up! You may find a few you would like to start using.
But yeah, on my work computer which is a Windows machine, I often use it to open the start menu and start typing the name of the app I want to launch. It’s faster than clicking on an icon somewhere if your hands are already on the keyboard.
If you read my post I clearly stated I use it for keyboard shortcuts.
You ok?
And shortcuts are it’s intended behaviour, always has been.
You’re making a distinction without a meaning.
You don’t deserve down votes for this. Yes you’re being a touch rude, but they also clearly didn’t read more than the title! The OP was not an unreasonable amount of text. Your irritation is justified