1. Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
  2. Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.
  • goosehorse@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    Audio compression is much older than 20 years! Though you’re probably right about it becoming available on consumer A/V devices more recently.

    And you’re definitely correct that “pre-applying” compression and generally overdoing it will fuck up the sound for too many people.

    The dynamic ranges that are possible (and arguably desirable) to achieve in a movie theater are much greater than what one could (or would even want to) achieve from some crappy TV speakers or cheap ear buds.

    From what I understand, mastering for film is going to aim for the greatest dynamic range possible, because it’s always theoretically possible to narrow the range after the fact but not really vice-versa.

    I think the direction to go with OP’s suggested regulation would be to require all consumer TV sets and home theater boxes to have a built-in compressor that can be accessed and adjusted by the user. This would probably entail allowing the user to blow their speakers if they set it incorrectly, but in careful hands, it could solve OP’s problem.

    That said, my limited experience in this world is exclusive to mixing and mastering music and not film, so grain of salt and all that.