In the Ru-Uk war I’ve seen and heard of men asking their pals to break their limbs by either jumping or landing a sledgehammer on them. In Chechen\Afgan wars it was popular too, but also gasoline injections into muscles usually leading to amputations of said limbs. Dodging by behaving like unhealthy or insane was always an option, but as I’ve heard, since it became too popular, recruiting centers started to ignore any disability as long as they can drag you into a van. Are there other creative ways to dodge the draft?

    26 days ago

    There’s the story of singer Ted Nugent who, like his fellow far-right “patriot” buddy Trump, dodged the draft during Vietnam. He apparently refused to bathe for months and kept shitting his pants so that they’d declare him unfit for service and it worked.

    26 days ago

    Not so crazy, but my high school history teacher was a young man in America when the Vietnam war broke out. He made the wise choice of joining the navy, because Vietnam didn’t have a navy. As he told the story, while those other guys were in Vietnam getting torn apart by Charlie, he was on shore leave in Italian ports. Then he would take a dramatic pause and then say to our class “war is hell”