He can respectfully eat a bag of respectful dicks, no disrespect.
Donald calling anything or anyone “disrespectful” is hilarious.
holy shit how does he look like he aged another 40 years in the last few days?
No tan
That and Harris’ surprising surge is probably stressing him out more.
Genocide Don.
VOTE!! Volunteer to give rides to those that will need them in order to cast their vote!!
It’s cuz she’s a genocidal antisemite who is absolutely incompetent and behind every calculated idea of Biden’s presidency. She disrespectfully supports Israel’s oppression of the innocent Palestinian terrorist bastards, which she is going to immediately end after letting it go on forever if she wins the election.
This is why you can’t vote for Kamala Harris: she wants open borders so that she can arrest and over-prosecute everyone.
Did I do it? Did I cover all the talking points? I got kinda dizzy from all of the logical whiplash… I know I left out the racist and sexist parts, but I’d feel bad about myself if I’d repeated them.
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
I’m glad I read such posts all the way through, because I was getting the banhammer ready for this one. Unfortunately, a lot of other people apparently didn’t read to the end.
What are the Russians astroturfers going to post now that they can’t say they won’t vote for genocide?
Considering Trump is pro Russia and pro Israel, whatever they were saying now goes against their main goal.
Putin should just imprison these shitty astroturfers for doing such a bad job.
Consistency and logic was never their strong suit.
The common criminal demands respect for the war criminal.