
I was wondering if there exists any objective, high-quality guides to doing various human-stuff like showering, properly eating, integration in society, basically anything that can be thought as interacting with the real world.

Maybe there’s a wiki for such stuff? A weird request, for sure, but I am wondering if there’s an overall better way to do common stuff.

I’ve found the worst case scenario handbook to be very useful, but more material is always better.

  • oxjox@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    That is not the definition of helicopter parents; quite the opposite. Helicopter parents would have been overly attentive of you and ensuring you were doing all the things you should be doing, or doing them on your behalf, even if you fought against them.

    You had neglectful parents. Frankly, I wouldn’t refer to these people as “parents” at all if they didn’t teach you how to bathe yourself.

    I’m sorry this was your life and hope you’ve considered therapy.