For example - Donald Trump.

I loathe the man for everything he’s done and how much his influence has through the country of the USA that has done so much negativity to it. I truly still see him as a murderer of remote negligence for his handling of the 2020 COVID Pandemic, when there had been many leads that he could’ve taken than the one he took and how his party and voter base has demonized the WHO organization.

I have very little specks of things to agree with him on and one of them is the migrant issue in America. We are seeing now, a bit of an issue when it comes to accepting so many migrants in the country. Like this year alone and even if it was temporary, some 2k migrants at a school in New York upset a community because the school was used to house them and scattered the students that in turn, angered parents.

Even if it was temporary and even if it was protection from the weather, it still was yet another symptom of an issue in America where we are prioritizing way too much on migrants than we are focusing on solving our issues that happen to naturally born Americans.

Migrants are housed before veterans who’ve signed to fight our wars. Migrants are employed before our own people. I don’t believe into the whole “DEY TOOK ER JERBS!” claim that I’ve heard years and years about. It’s more like, it’s been an enabling practice by companies that worsened the issue over time by hiring those who’re willing to work for less as long as they have a job, whenever an American simply wants better pay and benefits.

I however, just do not agree with how he handled it or would’ve handled it if he stayed president. Building a wall that’s costly as is and for everyone to handle the burden because of said wall, a wall by the way, that has been bypassed numerous times. What would reinforcing it do? Nothing but waste money, time and effort.

I do not agree with him in how he actually made a registration that only targeted muslims at one time. I just feel these two things are the wrong way to handle an issue and not a way to strengthen foreign policy.

What we should be doing instead, is stop these companies from hiring the migrants with how they are. We should continue to stop foreign interests from taking up land in America when it’s not as okay to do the other way around.

We need to be focusing on Americans more and our in-country issues, than mangling with foreign affairs because as we’re seeing all around us, the migrant issue is putting a strain on other countries including Canada.

I just do not see anymore gain from continuing to take in migrants. Especially since you know, you put up with a lot of bad apples. The ones who’re antagonistic and love playing the xenophobe card as much as possible, just like the race card is abused. When, they’re in our country and our oblivious government allows it so because they foolishly think “it’s the future” because they refuse to improve the quality of life for naturally born Americans.

    5 months ago

    Communism. The idea is great, reality is so fucked up though.