And didn’t you have to pay to not be listed?
Possibly why it was a little bit frightening?
Right in the dead center of town!
“Let’s go to bed so these people can go home.”
Isn’t this a violation of the Flag Code?
Out of curiosity, how can there be 30 upvotes on a paywalled article? Do they all have WSJ subscriptions?
So, that’s a guilty plea?
They need living space!
Now we’re going to play a real fun game. It’s called, “Who is your daddy, and what does he do?”
I grew up on Jet Fighter 2, so I’m also curious about modern versions.
“It’s all about the big, 'bout the big snow shovel.”
Whether mandatory voting is bad or not, certainly it’s way better than the American situation, where one particular party’s strategy to win elections is to discourage and actively prevent people from voting. In Australia, every political party seeks to win by collecting votes.
Suggestion: Each comment should be reposted to [email protected] , or that community should be invited to respond here…
Wow, I think you win this game. Sorry to hear all that. Thank you for what you and your family are going through for this poor girl, her mother, and us all.
They’re known as “moon boots”. Give it a space theme!
I’ve heard this in Australia but nowhere else. Is this Australian slang, or does somewhere else use it too?