9 AM - Meeting
10 AM - Meeting
10:30 - Call
11:00 - Meeting
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - Actual work
2:00 - Meeting
3:00 - Meeting
4:00 - Slack message from my boss wanting to know why nothing is getting done.
6:00 - Off shift.I had to prove we had too many meetings (20-25 a week) to my direct manager who was in almost all meetings and didn’t believe me.
A meeting about it.
I was a software developer at that place, no managerial duties at all.
CEO schedule:
9 AM - Meetings (optional)
11 AM - Tax deductible “business” lunch
1 PM - Meetings (optional)
6 PM - Tax deductible “business” dinnerThroughout: callousness, greed, and maybe some light treason
Yea it’s so easy! Everyone should be CEO
What is the average age of Lemmy… I’m curious now. It seems younger than Reddit
You are front desk?
Oh, lord no.
Google calendar at works gives statistics about the invitations and events. A normal work week for me is 35~40% meetings. I am in a management position in an international company with most of my teammates abroad in different countries.
I have a call to Kaiser to set up a specialist appointment that I’ve been “forgetting” for a week . . .
it’s a fucking automated system
Unironically, blocking off 2 days a week in advance so that I don’t get any calls scheduled and can work on my tasks in peace had helped a lot.
This would be great if my busy times were actually respected when scheduling meetings. They are not.
literally my schedule for today, except The Call happens at noon.