I have anger issues, which I can’t control. I am considered conventionally attractive (though I don’t see it) and many people think I’m cool and want to be around me.
Like I said, though, I have anger issues where I will act quite aggressively towards people. One time, someone I knew said hi to me, so I screamed “I HEARD YOU”. I also tend to type very dryly and with periods when I’m upset (which is admittedly ~90% of the time but I can’t control that).
My friend doesn’t talk to me as much and I really don’t get why because even when I’m “aggressive”, it’s tough love and I’m trying to help them. If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t be like that.
I’m even like this with guys I’ve dated and I love them not as brothers.
Women also piss me off more than men do, so I hang out more with them because I feel like they get me and aren’t as bitchy. (Part of the reason why I’m bi curious but never found a woman I’d date, excluding one I almost went out with).
While I do tend to praise men and ignore women, as some people say, it’s tough love since I think women should be the best versions of themselves :) [I believe this is why society is so hard on women as a whole]
But yeah, TLDR; My mood problems impact the people I care about, and I’m wondering if it’s a turn off since some people don’t want to be around me rather than loving me for me.
I have a reason for my actions, people just choose to ignore those reasons and misinterpret me.
Sorry mate, but it sounds like you’re absolutely in the wrong and need to work on your anger issues instead of waving your hand at people for not understanding you.
People acknowledge your reasons but it’s no excuse for shouting or lashing out. You can try anger management or trying to keep your voice lower when you’re mad, or at least apologizing when getting genuinely mad at someone.
Yeah seeing OP type “I can’t control that” so many times about anger was wild.
I understand you can’t control the initial feeling of anger but you absolutely can control how you respond to it coming.
The lack of understanding that indeed, you may struggle to control it, BUT YOU’RE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR IT
As a sports fan, I hate when people are bad at things. Why even try if you suck, honestly?
Loser talk. Do you see the masturbatory way you are reveling in these negative responses? Will you acknowledge you are dwelling in hyper negativity, seemingly for the lulz?
Because the way to improve skills, athleticism, ability to play an instrument, basically anything…
Is practice.
Sure, some people are naturally better or worse at certain things than others.
Not everyone will turn out equally better given the same amount and style of training.
But all of the initial different starting aptitudes at a certain skill vanish into meaninglessness against a person who consistently trains and practices, that person will be considerably more talented than any ‘natural’, 99% of the time.
Also… some people, most people do things because they enjoy doing them.
Not because they need or want to be better than others.
If your goal is to have fun, develop a skill, stay in shape, have fun… you’re always winning, even if you aren’t literally the best.
… And if you do try to always be the literal best… there’s almost always someone better if you keeo advancing into higher skilled competition levels and even if you are truly the best… you won’t be forever. You’ll get an injury, make a mistake, or just get old.
I bet they don’t practice 😂
They need to and still suck. I practice just like they “practice”. I don’t practice often, but I’m still better.
Maybe some people didn’t care of they win and play games to HAVE FUN. Telling them they suck, will probably make that less fun.
Also, everybody sucks when they first try. By continuing to try they get better. If you refuse to do anything that you aren’t naturally good at, you are a coward.
It just makes me so mad, like I said, I can’t control it too well. And that’s not so true, I was good at basketball AND volleyball on the first try.
What about baseball and track?
If you don’t understand why people do something even if they ‘suck’ at it, then you’re asking others to do something you’re not willing to do yourself.
If you were being physically abusive and couldn’t help it, would you still think they should accept that as just ‘you being you’? Would you accept it? You are verbally abusive when you don’t like something, perhaps even if they can’t help it… They practice passive avoidance if they don’t like something.