The local TV stations have not been much help either. I guess there’s nothing to know? You’d think there would be some local news that two TV stations and a newspaper might think about covering.
I mean… In their defence: crows are super cool!
I live in an area that gets snow regularly. When we get a storm, there are precisely three things the news can report on:
- When they think it will stop
- Are the roads driveable
- Are there school or business closings
If there is nothing to report in those three topics, then it’s just another slow news day. Just be glad they’re not making TV news reports about trending Social Media topics, that’s what our local news gets into when they run out of Sinclair propaganda (or Bills highlights) to run.
I found out a few days ago when it snowed last time that an emergency declaration had been declared from social media because it wasn’t reported on. This time I just wanted to know if I could go to Kroger without getting hassled by the cops for being out when I shouldn’t be, but apparently I don’t get to know that.
Yeah, that is more incompetence than I am used to. When we get driving bans and other emergency declarations, the local news will put that crawly thing on the bottom of the screen letting us know what’s up. I bet they get complaints when it covers up the score of the game.
Did you know that your newspaper is owned by an Alabama retirement fund?
They own CNHI, which owns that paper.
That does not shock me in the slightest.
So what’s the deal with the crows?
They are everywhere in this town and no one knows what to do about it. I like crows so I think it’s funny that people are constantly bitching about them.
“Downtown murders rise”
for those who don’t know a group of crows is called a murder of crows. Some people are trying to change it to ‘flock’ so it’s more consistent with other birds, but in MY MIND they’re still called a murder because it fits their vibes. Also Pluto is a planet to me. Screw consistency, it’s cute dammit.
What an interesting linking strategy.
Also, I have to assume you’re Jerry Smith.
Why should they do anything about it? What’s wrong with crows?
They are everywhere in this town and no one knows what to do about it.
Hey wait, I think I’ve seen this Hitchcock movie
If you’re a dick to crows, they remember you and tell their family. Hitchcock’s film wouldn’t be too far off if this town really went to war with the crows. So far, they’ve tried making loud noises like shooting a cannonball-free cannon (really) and they’ve now given that up and have put those inflatable wiggly people on the tops of all the buildings downtown because supposedly that keeps the crows away (it does not keep them away).
Personally, I’m hoping the crows take over. They would probably do a better job.
Local birds SLAMMED
Where is the weather person with a ruler outside measuring snow? Where is the close up of a plow uh, plowing?
For anyone interested, the crow article is here:
A few years ago a German satire magazine made fun of news stations reporting exactly that: Wintereinbruch im Winter by extra3.
My local online newspaper constantly has articles (sponsored articles) about casinos and gambling.
The enshittification of news really accelerated over the last several years.
In the past week on YouTube, on channels about math and physics, I started getting a constant bombardment of online casino ads. The predatory enshittification is intense anywhere you look.