Whenever I see something like this I just laugh because you’re exactly right. Something isn’t being handled properly and their dev team just proved they don’t know how to do some basic handling. Every API library in JS and restful API I know of handle special characters. If they wanted they could base64 encode it over the wire. Then you’re exactly right, if the database “can’t handle it” more than likely it’s a home spun database connection where they’re serializing it themselves (which even then this is solvable), but even then that proves that they make poor choices.
This is like when I was in my twenties working at a crappy grocery store with a MoneyGram inside of it. I live in Washington state, and at the time, if your last name was less than five characters, you would have asterisk’s in your license number. The MoneyGram system wanted people’s license numbers but was unable to recognize a license with an asterisk. It happened pretty rarely, but it always happened to people whose last names were four characters or less long. Five letters in your last name and you were gold. To make the transactions happen, I would just do the whole license number minus the asterisk.
Anyway, Washington changed how it generates license numbers so its a moot point anyway but I don’t think MoneyGram ever spent a dime to fix this since it only affected a small number of people in one US state.
Seems to be they’re dropping the passwords in the database in plain text, but they’re deathly afraid that someone will drop a '; in there or something and the insert will break.
Notwithstanding that storing passwords in plain text is a slapping with the 10 foot rubber chicken, but mysqli_real_escape_string() or any number of other similar solutions are indeed a thing that exists. A prepared statement would work, too.
Somebody isn’t sanitizing their inputs properly. Like putting a bandaid on a heart attack
Whenever I see something like this I just laugh because you’re exactly right. Something isn’t being handled properly and their dev team just proved they don’t know how to do some basic handling. Every API library in JS and restful API I know of handle special characters. If they wanted they could base64 encode it over the wire. Then you’re exactly right, if the database “can’t handle it” more than likely it’s a home spun database connection where they’re serializing it themselves (which even then this is solvable), but even then that proves that they make poor choices.
Exactly, the database should never even have to handle the password in it’s original form and hashing algorithms don’t care about special characters.
This is like when I was in my twenties working at a crappy grocery store with a MoneyGram inside of it. I live in Washington state, and at the time, if your last name was less than five characters, you would have asterisk’s in your license number. The MoneyGram system wanted people’s license numbers but was unable to recognize a license with an asterisk. It happened pretty rarely, but it always happened to people whose last names were four characters or less long. Five letters in your last name and you were gold. To make the transactions happen, I would just do the whole license number minus the asterisk.
Anyway, Washington changed how it generates license numbers so its a moot point anyway but I don’t think MoneyGram ever spent a dime to fix this since it only affected a small number of people in one US state.
Seems to be they’re dropping the passwords in the database in plain text, but they’re deathly afraid that someone will drop a '; in there or something and the insert will break.
Notwithstanding that storing passwords in plain text is a slapping with the 10 foot rubber chicken, but mysqli_real_escape_string() or any number of other similar solutions are indeed a thing that exists. A prepared statement would work, too.