Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • So the CBD thing really bugs me, in particular.

    One of my medications has one of those warnings about how you can’t have grapefruit while taking this medication. That’s because grapefruit is metabolized on a certain enzyme pathway that gets interrupted. That enzyme pathway is CYP3A4.

    You know what else takes that enzyme pathway? Fucking CBD. It also blocks the enzyme pathway, making any drugs administered less effective because they can’t bind to where they need to because the CBD molecule is already there, taking up space.

    So like, for me, these are life saving medications so fucking around with this is really stupid but literally no doctor told me this. I accidentally figured this out while doing research on CBD. It seems like its becoming more publicized now, but the bottom line is this:

    If you have medication that warns you that you should not eat grapefruit with this medication (about 60% of medications, I believe), that medication needs the same warning about CBD.


    Upon further evaluation, it was shown that CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 are the 2 major enzymes responsible for the metabolism of CBD; they are also responsible for the metabolism of many different drugs.

  • Here’s hoping they stick this time. I’m so sorry to hear, long ago one of my now ex-girlfriends was dealing with it. She would have to go to the hospital and get GI cocktails and I would stay awake with her and try to help her not panic because the GI cocktail numbed everything in your throat and she wouldn’t be able to feel herself breathing. As someone who has lots of panic about breathing issues, I totally understood why it would be panic inducing to not be able to feel yourself breathe, and this seemed like the only thing anyone was able to do for her when it got really bad. Just a shitty choice, take the GI cocktail and get relief but also panic, or don’t take it and feel like you’re choking on your own vomit. So , fuck it just sucks so much. I really hope for the best for you.

  • Now that I 100% agree with. News absolutely minimizes cases against the affluent or connected.

    Now occasionally we do get news about it, but the outcome it always something like this:


    This Police Union head got busted buying and selling fentanyl, tried to blame it on her housekeeper, and has had over a year of walking free to fight it.

    Part of the reason for the extensions in the case is “differences in the government’s and the defendant’s views of the facts,” Segovia’s attorney, Will Edelman, wrote in a court filing.

    Edelman, citing health issues and personal difficulties, is withdrawing from the case and Segovia will be represented by attorney Adam Gasner. Edelman noted in his filing that finding a new attorney for Segovia and transitioning the case to Gasner required additional time.

    Nonetheless, “the parties have engaged in extensive back-and-forth discussions about such potential resolutions, including multiple meetings, presentations, and detailed correspondence,” Edelman wrote. He characterized the talks as productive.

    "A potential case resolution that has been discussed and refined extensively remains a possibility,” he wrote.

    The news media doesn’t spend as much time focusing on cases like these because they don’t like people having to see how anyone with money or connections can just pay to endlessly appeal and then walk away with a weak ass plea bargain and a slap on the wrist.

    The reason they don’t show it is they don’t want poor people wising up to how fucking different the legal system is for them versus the rich and/or connected. That’s basically the conclusion of this story: If you have money, you’re basically untouchable.

    See also Nicki Minaj blaming having weed on her while trying to board an international flight out of Europe on her employees. There’s two justice systems, and the world only wants us to know about one of them.

  • Having lived in the dirt poor South for over five years in the early 2000’s and smoked weed the entire time:

    This is not just what the media presents.

    The number of whacked out sketchy fucking freaks I had to associate with when weed was illegal was too god damned high.

    When I was just trying to score some pot once and a methed out freak busts open the front door to yell at my dealer “We caught the neighbors cat” only for my dealer to decide it was high time to ignore that I had money for weed and instead took it upon himself to go outside, take his toddler with him, and sic his pit bull on the cat until it caught the cat and tore it to shreds. I stayed inside the whole time, freaked out, and desperate to leave.

    Yes, the inside of his trailer was a fucking shithole.

    My other dealer started out as a really smart coworker, got into doing meth, and the last time I saw him, everyone called him “mumbles.” Went from a brilliant young man to a broken young man in the course of a few years.

    I am so god damned glad to be able to buy shit from a store.

  • The study considers two main types of anti-piracy messaging. The first, prosocial messaging, asks pirates to consider the effect of their consumption on others, such as harm to film industry workers and how piracy compromises the quality of future productions.

    This might work for some people, but folks who are familiar with Hollywood and Recording Industry accounting practices and payment schemes fully understand that this is a joke and those industries work fucking hard to not pay people a living wage.

    It’s an instant turn off and reminder whose pockets I’m really putting money into unless I’m supporting artists directly through something like Patreon or Bandcamp Fridays.

    Real pro-social anti-piracy messaging would work on providing me with more options like Bandcamp Fridays, instead of making empty promises that they can renege on easily.