This is the first real meal I had in years.
Said someone who lives off popcorn! 🍿
I’m not judging you though. I used to love this sort of drama. (I still do, a bit.)
The JillStein Bot explaining why Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to be the next president, really not updating their talking points
No, they’re just super efficient and very good at planning. They know that Joe Biden can technically still be president for another term, so they’re heading him off on his 2028 comeback run. /s
Ps hello fellow lawyer.
She did fine, if anything it was eye opening to me how many shitlibs are on r/politics
Taking Jill Stein seriously? You ok?
Notable differences between Stein and Harris:
- opposes genocide in Gaza
- opposes fracking
- stronger on the environment
- approves of single payer healthcare
- approves of tuition free colleges for all
- wants to slash our bloated military budget
I live in a blue state and will be voting Green to try to build momentum for third parties and STAR voting. I do hope Trump is defeated and thrown in jail, and I’d reconsider my vote if I lived in a purple state.
If you want to get any real momentum for third parties, throwing your vote away isn’t it.
Voting blue in a solid blue state for a candidate I have huge moral issues with (Palestine, climate change) is the definition of throwing my vote away.
You’re still throwing your vote away.
Even if I accept that any state is really as solid blue as people may think, we have the opportunity as a nation to cast an overwhelming vote against fascism. That would be sending a message that the entire free world could be proud of. Nah, you can’t be bothered. You’d rather cast your vote for a Putin asset.
Even if I accept that any state is really as solid blue as people may think, we have the opportunity as a nation to cast an overwhelming vote against fascism.
I’m voting for the Green party, not a fascist.
That would be sending a message that the entire free world could be proud of.
The entirety of the United Nations except the US and Israel has condemned the massacre in Gaza as a genocide. You think everyone would be proud of voting for someone who intends to continue to ship weapons to Israel?
You’d rather cast your vote for a Putin asset.
No proof and regardless this is bigger than Jill Stein, this is about building power to the left of the Democratic party. Claudia De la Cruz would definitely be my preferred candidate over Stein, but it is what it is.
American democracy is fucked because the voters themselves stoped believing that the two party system is bad.
You can’t be critical of both parties at once. One is evil, another is pure love.
Oooh no, don’t you clump all of us together. A LOT of us fucking despise the two party system for the trash heap it is.
Blue MAGA having a collective meltdown is a sight to behold.
“Let me ignore Democrats being fully bankrolled by israel. And committing literal Genocide. I have this 10 year old picture where Putin is on the other side of a table you are sitting at”